Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1990


Eur/Usd found support at 1.0820, ranging between 1.0870 to 1.0820, short term trend remain bearish.


One more super tight ranging day : it might blow in any direction

One more super tight ranging day : it might blow in any direction

It was so obvious


Apparently some big option expiring at 1.0900 caused this change


Buy GBP/USD......sell only if it goes below 1.55380 thats the breaking point.

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Long term bearish channel support is holding. With no news today, we should not expect any significant change

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Wow, thats really long got anything shorter term?


Stop loss right above the last 4 hr candle.

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Long term bearish channel support is stronger than it looked like at a first glance. We shall see where will it go tomorrow

Long term bearish channel support is stronger than it looked like at a first glance. We shall see where will it go tomorrow

This is a massive stop loss hunting once again - after month ans months of talking "short the Euro" they did it again. Another bunch s suckers got their account wiped out