Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1065


best free week signales

olso week no. 2833 was signal buy--------(yesterday)

stop out 2929 tp 96p !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(oded)left 10%0pen possion)


best free week signales


stop out 2929 tp 96p !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(oded)left 10%0pen possion)

from 2833

10% 0pen possion 2915 tp 82p



Waiting for FED and "flying" on the wings of talk so far, it continues ...

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No surprises for now ... the only surprise so far is that ECB actually did nothing except of making some decisions. Talking about "buying the rumor ..."

eurusd.gif  29 kb

best free week signales


from 2833

10% 0pen possion 2915 tp 82p

stop out 3115 tp 282 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(oded)(5%)



Found a good week preview :

Bernanke’s aggressive move on monetary policy will have important international consequences, intentional or not. The ECB, Bank of Japan and PBOC will all be under even greater pressure to respond with more aggressive policies as their economies are in no position to tolerate US-exported deflation, especially with oil prices rising. As currency wars are re-ignited, there will be forceful action to retaliate against dollar weakness. Despite the sugar-rush, aggravated economic and political tensions will not support risk appetite. By default, the Swiss franc is likely to see renewed upward pressure as defensive capital inflows intensify.

Scholars of American democracy will certainly be very uneasy that the Fed appears to have re-interpreted its dual mandate less than two months before a presidential election, but the key debate for now is domestic action versus international reaction. There will certainly be important negative international consequences for the Euro-zone and Asia from the Fed’s move. The last thing the Euro-zone needs is any currency revaluation which will further undermine competitiveness in a recession. A stronger US economy would of course help global trade prospects, but this will take time to bear fruit and the Euro-zone industrial sector has been given another slap in the face.

Last week, Greece unemployment rose to reported 24.4% for June with Greece and Spain in the unenviable position of having youth unemployment above 50%, a situation which is politically extremely dangerous. Greece’s government is powerless to take any independent action as it toils under the troika-led austerity drive. The evidence of the last few days suggests that Greece may be given more time to meet its austerity commitments, but that emphasises the whole problem in that Greece has no self determination. In a democratic void, depression will eventually lead to destabilising political protests.

Spanish and Italian governments remain extremely uneasy over the political implications of accepting a bailout, especially as the Italian technocrat government has no electoral mandate. The apparent decision to give Greece more time is an important indicator that the Euro-zone stresses have actually increased and there will have to be a shift in policies. The ECB will, therefore, be under intense pressure to take more aggressive monetary action even though this will increase resentment in Germany and fuel seething discontent within the Bundesbank.

The most important Euro-zone economic releases will be the flash PMI readings on Thursday. The ECB has managed to stabilise sentiment, but there will be further major fears surrounding the economy given the Euro area is in recession for the third quarter. Although lower bond yields will ease financing conditions within peripheral economies, there remains no hope of underlying escape from the depression and austerity spiral without a return to growth.



best free week signales

week no. are signales buy/sell,posted once a week on monday for all the week no. 24-h, 5d same no. all the week ,trade with the trend .no indi only no. week no. gu--5824, 5838, 5846, 5884, 5906, 5898, eu--2544, 2532, 2549, 2592, 2604, 2609 have a nice green week

week no.are signales buy/sell ,posted once a week on monday ,for all the week .trade week no.24-h,5-d same no. all the week, trade with thetrend . no indi only week no.-enter on week no. have a nice green week.-week no. eu 3089, 3087, 3100, 3143, 3149, 3160, guy---6189, 6195, 6205, 6249, 6265, 6255 wish you agreen week


best free week signales

week no.are signales buy/sell ,posted once a week on monday ,for all the week .trade week no.24-h,5-d same no. all the week, trade with thetrend . no indi only week no.-enter on week no. have a nice green week.-week no. eu 3089, 3087, 3100, 3143, 3149, 3160, guy---6189, 6195, 6205, 6249, 6265, 6255 wish you agreen week

week no. eu 3089(+-6-9p)enter 3095, 3100was signal buy---3120 tp1 25p, tp2 20p, later 3100 was signal sell----3085 tp 15p, later week no. 3087, 3089 , 3100, 3143, 3149, 3160 was signal buy----3165 tp1 78p, tp2 76p, tp3 65p, tp4 22p, tp5 be, later week no. 3160 , 3149, 3143 was signal sell----


best free week signales gu !!!!!!!!!!!

week no.are signales buy/sell ,posted once a week on monday ,for all the week .trade week no.24-h,5-d same no. all the week, trade with thetrend . no indi only week no.-enter on week no. have a nice green week.-week no. eu 3089, 3087, 3100, 3143, 3149, 3160, guy---6189, 6195, 6205, 6249, 6265, 6255 wish you agreen week

week no. 6205 (6-+9p)enter 6214, 6249, 6255, 6265 signal buy----6270 tp1 56p, tp2 21p, tp3 15p, tp3 be , later week no. 6265, was signal sell-----



week no. eu 3089(+-6-9p)enter 3095, 3100was signal buy---3120 tp1 25p, tp2 20p, later 3100 was signal sell----3085 tp 15p, later week no. 3087, 3089 , 3100, 3143, 3149, 3160 was signal buy----3165 tp1 78p, tp2 76p, tp3 65p, tp4 22p, tp5 be, later week no. 3160 , 3149, 3143 was signal sell----(/QUOTE]

waittinig !!

olso week no. 3100, 3089, 3087 was signal sell-------