Pollan's indicators - page 136

I meant, there shall be no more disciples than 12...otherwise things will fall apart...

Ah, OK. I misunderstood

Not stranger than any other thread


I am not exactly what you would call a teacher type of guy (no webinars, no books, ....) I prefer to post what I code and if some explanation is needed then OK, but I always try to keep it all as simple as possible - that way we all profit : from the easy to understand code comes a next step : understanding what we are "measuring" with the code and then it is all much simpler

I mean strange since in this thread almost nothing meaningful was posted (not even pictures are meaningful) including the 1400 target for S&P 500


Here I found the picture on the internet торговля золотом.

Here I found the picture on the internet торговля золотом.

More pictures. This thread will never change


Good trade here as these are very rare

mt4.png  105 kb

oh my god picture,picture....Pollan's indicators is smoke and mirror


He who has nothing to teach, has a lot to hide.

He who has nothing to teach, has a lot to hide.

They are not hiding anything (except that they don't have anything to hide)


there is not something to hide, do not just complicate.

usdjpydaily.png  51 kb

I close the trade at a loss