Pollan's indicators - page 128


We see '' wonderful '' indicators with arrows but we dont see a single statement.You guys should have been in Hawaii for winter spending your million dollars yes? Show us some statements not arrows.

H4 fxvalue is 5

M30 fxvalue is 14.

Below picture is an example to understand the situation.

What you are doing with settings is called curve fitting. First one is a disaster. Anyway, since I really do not want to dispute anything at this thread, good luck. Spend your millions wisely

We see '' wonderful '' indicators with arrows but we dont see a single statement.You guys should have been in Hawaii for winter spending your million dollars yes? Show us some statements not arrows.

They are probably golfing with Obama these days there

They are probably golfing with Obama these days there

They are probably using the same indicators ...


I can not understand why you are crying like a baby?

If you have any questions, ask the owner of the indicator...

I have this indicator and i am happy with it..

I can not understand why you are crying like a baby?

If you have any questions, ask the owner of the indicator...

I have this indicator and i am happy with it..


I agree with you dear takbir



Dear Friends, may i take this indicator?



I agree with you dear takbir

I can not understand why you are crying like a baby?

If you have any questions, ask the owner of the indicator...

I have this indicator and i am happy with it..

Fantastic. Inverting the thesis. You even know about that.

Send hello to Obama (don't make contribution though - he tends to lie - common thing these days, so be careful not to be conned when you are conning )


Guys, why don't you just take this whole thread as it is : a couple of kids joking (and I do not mean traders joking, but, as I told, kids joking - so far haven't found a single proof of any of the pack posting that stuff being a trader) and then all will be logical. Any other approach is like trying to talk with a deaf person : pointless if that person never learned the sign language

I mean, come on : they think that shifting to higher time frame prevents from repainting otherwise repainting indicators. Isn't that enough to estimate the age and the trading experience of the "traders" posting that?


Fantastic. Inverting the thesis. You even know about that.

Send hello to Obama (don't make contribution though - he tends to lie - common thing these days, so be careful not to be conned when you are conning )

Hey obama guy, watch this...

gbpusdm15.png  38 kb
eurusdm15.png  40 kb