Pollan's indicators - page 145


Repaints up to 6 bars back

Why thank you ...

Repaints up to 6 bars back Why thank you ...


You Test This....??????

You Sure Beginner Trader

I see When Open Account In This Fourm .... Apr 2014


This Gift For MY Friends and Love tsd.com Good Luck .....

Why posting indicator that repaints when it will show that it repaints and when everybody will know that? Or do you really believe that others will not see that?

Here is a gift for your gift (except that this one can not repaint - it is the trading during the increased volatility when they announced today that Greece bowed - not posting the rest - it would not be good for your health).

Good luck with your indicator - one day you shall be richer than Gates and Buffet together (if they both go broke).

For indicator I am not going to post the pictures of repainting of that indicator (everybody can check that) but this example is something I have never seen at any indicator in my life. Thank you - you really made my week - I do not have to watch any comedy on a TV now :):)

results_1.gif  39 kb
essam.gif  35 kb
Why posting indicator that repaints when it will show that it repaints and when everybody will know that? Or do you really believe that others will not see that?

Here is a gift for your gift (except that this one can not repaint - it is the trading during the increased volatility when they announced today that Greece bowed - not posting the rest - it would not be good for your health).

Good luck with your indicator - one day you shall be richer than Gates and Buffet together (if they both go broke).

For indicator I am not going to post the pictures of repainting of that indicator (everybody can check that) but this example is something I have never seen at any indicator in my life. Thank you - you really made my week - I do not have to watch any comedy on a TV now :):)

Please Stop Speak From Your Ass

Please Stop Speak From Your Ass

Your "grail" - before :

Same thing - a few ticks later :

As it is said : pictures tell more than thousand words, but knowing where your words are coming from, good bye. I use my mouth for talking, my hands for writing and my brain for thinking, unlike you

essam_1.gif  35 kb
essam_2.gif  35 kb
Your "grail" - before :

Same thing - a few ticks later :

As it is said : pictures tell more than thousand words, but knowing where your words are coming from, good bye. I use my mouth for talking, my hands for writing and my brain for thinking, unlike you

if you superman and have good indicator nrp ... why no post here ????

if you no have you sure .. chidren woman

and Beginner Trader


Fix Problems In V2

Good Luck


For nbtrading

Where The Repaint V1 OR V2 .....???!!!


In order to avoid flaming (I really do no like flaming on a forum, regardless that some admins do like it), took a liberty to test the V2 version (same period as nbtrading posted, same symbol - I don't know if the data is the same - depends on broker - but it does not matter in a test)

Before :

After :

It has repainting issues and needs to be worked on


Wow, these are many arrows at some places. This can't be healthy for our money. No EA please. Essam, why should this be a holy grail? You remind me of the Black Knight in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', skilled in coding and trading, but you suffer from unchecked overconfidence, even when you lost and have no arms and legs anymore to fight with.