2 QQE combined and anchored - Need help - page 8

Adding indicator maybe somebody can improve.

Hope anyone is looking for it. Both the QQEA.mq4 & QQEA-Bars.mq4 in the indicators folders. Thanks.

Note: the arrow on chart is not related to QQE

Hi Ziman398.

Can you post the indicator with the arrow please??


Hello Zigani,

Can you post your template and indics ?

I'm sure it will help some of us.




thanks zigani you might have these but if not there cool to play with



Does StandartEntry indicator repaint?


It Does!

Yes,it does.


Wolero phulease...............................

Yes,it does.

Pray tell what is the difference between "Repainting" and "Re-adjusting" after close of the TF that you are measuring in a smaller TF? OY!

Place a MACD 5,14,1 on any pair (cross with the center line) and go over one week data (5min) and see on witch pair the double QQE (anchored) out-performs the simple MACD ?....none

Come on guys, you are members who have been looking for ages to your screen and to indicators and to setups. Can't understand this. And especially not the interest for the non-anchored setup. At some points you can move your chart with only one bar and you have a compleet different setup.

It is like trying to look to 2 objects in a far distance with one eye covered and trying to say witch object is closer then the other.

I support you whole heartedly, iGor. The QQE has been dissected for many months and found wanting! Just search the TSD Forum.