BarByBar EA Contest - page 6


You know wifey is at work...there nothing like a night out with the boys...hehe it has been fun...Lets go get some beers! ☺



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I don't need this forum, forum need the members.

Forum without the members is ....

Where are you Nick Bilak, Coders Guru, Nicolishen, etc.

Top programmers in 2005-2006.

Now, in this forum, we have top AH as Walander, MiniMe, etc.

Vladimir/S Galova " Bongo"

Last time you called the people who asked you for the expert as barking dogs, and I didn't respond to you and I told I understood what you mean , I though you were decent not to ask or remove your words but you didn't

This time You called Kenny Rogers as an idiot and You called Walander and me as *******

You show no respect to the people who talk to you

You rip people work and steal it

You ask for a handout

I tried to be on your side at the beginning as I though you were a decent person, but I stopped when I knew what your after and how you think ... I don't care what you may or may not think of me , but I wont side with a scammer like you.

You said your gone and you wont post anymore like 3 times already , what are you a kid ... go crawl to where you came from

He is a scammer and he got upset when we exposed him , look at the amount of emails in this thread , he was after collecting as many contacts as he can, so he can scam people later on

he got upset when I have exposed his fake results

He edit his statements, even in his web site

finally he steal from ebay scammers ..., create a thread with a code that doesn't belong to him " call it a contest " and hope that people will give him a handout to finish his scam ... Sound like another Steinitz

We all remember what happened to Steinitz.........


BarByBar EA Contest

Oh- real smooth.

Not even an attempt to change any wording- but now its not your EA.

Bongo, I do not know if you have written BarByBar but, as I have many time explained, this code is wrong and does not what he is intended to do :



if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&& OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNo)


int lastclosetime = OrderCloseTime();


openenable = false;

else openenable = true;



As some people asked me, here is the right version :


openenable = true;




if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&& OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNo)


if(OrderCloseTime() > iTime(Symbol(),wrkPeriod,0))

{ openenable = false;





The problem with the original code is that the history is not always sorted chronologically, so the last check migh be not the last order, and in this case openenable is set to true even if it was set to false before.

Anyway, this EA is just a stupid joke from a stupid guy


He is a scammer and he got upset when we exposed him , look at the amount of emails in this thread , he was after collecting as many contacts as he can, so he can scam people later on

he got upset when I have exposed his fake results

He edit his statements, even in his web site

finally he steal from ebay scammers ..., create a thread with a code that doesn't belong to him " call it a contest " and hope that people will give him a handout to finish his scam ... Sound like another Steinitz