New Members introduction - page 706


We are professionalremoteviewers trading forex and stocks with ourskill! By now, very succsessfull...


Hi all..... i love trading and gain ))))))


Hi, am new here and would appreciate your superior trading knowledge, thank you.


very new to this, willing to learn from you guys and girls..


Hi everybody,

i would like to say that i like this site and i hope to learn from all of you the right way to trade

Best regards for you all

moustafa ellwaky


I am new to this forum.I have experience of forex market of 1 years.


hiii..edited email and password....done!!



Greetings to everyone from Hungary.

Üdvözletem mindenkinek Magyarországról.



Hi Guys!

Nice to meet all of you. Looks like a great forum with a great subjects and wonderful people.

I'm AP, new to the forum and relative new to trading as well. I’ve been trading the last three years, mostly “long term” trades where I used mostly fundamental analyses (it’s a hobby of mine) and very view technical. I've been devouring everything I can lay my hands on, and I’m here to learn more on how you guys (and Girls) place “shorter term trades” and use technical indicators.

I promise to do a lot more reading before start asking “stupid” questions.

Have a good one


I just now became a member here and want to say hi

have goods trades
