New Members introduction - page 328



I am a fairly seasoned trader trying to add to my knowledge as we all are. As we know trading is a journey. So I hope I can gleen from this forum knowledge and wisdom from those who share.

Welcome to the best Forum. There's of information here, Regards

hello every one


Hi everyone nice to meet you all and hope can learn more forex knowledge at tsd forum.


Hello Everyone, I am relatively new to trading. I know it is much easier to lose money, than gain it.

I am trying to master the

- trend following method(s) - mainly based on Ed Ponsi and Hector trader,

- the Squeeze break out - based on J. Carter

- harmonic swing trading - based on many, but mostly S.M. Carney˙s work and live education taken from Jason Stepleton.

Over these years I found these pages to be of a great value in my journey, and I am happy to be here.


Hello World



I'm here now.

I'm studying Forex since 2009... still not found HolyGrail :-(



Hi - i use to browse Fores TSD regularly but recently it got disconnected due to unknown reasons Lets hope to share ideas and grow together


hello friends keeep it up good work


Hello everyone. My name is Fred, and I'm fairly new to Forex, just getting a feel for it.

My background is in coding, so I've been spending a lot of time coding EA's and Indicators.

Looking forward to learning a lot more.


Hello people!

I am new here, I am looking forward to help and also get any form of help from my dear trading and coding fellows here.

I am a trader with 26 years Prop trading experience and Fund Management at several Hedgefunds, now days I am working by my own and I am looking forward to get to know same minded people here.

If you have a good track reckord with a high SR, ROI and low DD with good understanding for Risk-management you are more than welcome to get in touch with me, I can help you to develope and to take the next step.

For the moment I need help with codes, I need to implement my MT4 streaming in Real Time to Excel, I have worked with several RT XL "platforms" if someone could help me to do so I could develope a professional Risk-Management platform based on the same that i used work with as a HF manager.

I am not good on coding,

