New Members introduction - page 145


Hi Guys,Forex has been part of my life now,after been working for around 18 months.....

of course they are many of us out here trying to reach their ultimate goal,those who did,quite frankly i never met,and all i see only those who are still trying.


HI all friends .. i am ubaid from .. saudi arabia .. i have lossed lot of money in forex . binary options and forex trading now i want impove my self and want learn more . i hope all traders will help me here thanks


Hi all!

TSD is one of the best forex forums.


Good day to all


hi my name i have been doing forex for about a year and just trying to figure things out to better my trading


Hi, just became a member. will try to find lots of useful information here. i am rather new at this, and this place seems to be a very good one.


Hello a new member to fx-tsd. do accept me to learn with everyone here and great success to everyone. thank you very much.


Mi nombre es Abelardo, soy relativamente nuevo en forex, y me inquieta mucho "que es lo que genera el sentimiento del mercado"?, tengo entendido que las noticias sobre el logro de un determinado índice económico en EU o la Comunidad Económica Europea, influye parcialmente en la acción del precio. Me gustaría que fuera tema de un foro regulado por un entendido en el tema.



hi i m new at this forum and also at forex trading.


Hello everyone, greetings to all here!

Warm Regrads from Jakarta, Indonesia