Better NN EA development - page 20


Prediction model for SVM or PNN

untitled26.gif  22 kb

The run.bat command lines:

SET C=%1 ====>C value for SVM

SET gamma=%2 ====>gamma value for SVM

SET symbol=%3 ====>symbol used

SET dir=%4 ====>input files directory

SET sig=%5 ====>signal number

SET bars=%6 ====>nr of bars (not used)

SET direxe=%7 ====>svm program dir

SET dirprd=%8 ====>output file dir (prediction dir)

SET dirout=%9 ====>working dir

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\train%sig% md %dir%\train%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\test%sig% md %dir%\test%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\s%sig% md %dir%\s%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirout%\scale%sig% md %dirout%\scale%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirout%\model%sig% md %dirout%\model%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirprd%\pred%sig% md %dirprd%\pred%sig%

%direxe%\svmscale.exe -s %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.rg %dir%\train%sig%\%symbol% >%dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.t %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\ %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.fw %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

%direxe%\svmscale.exe -r %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.rg %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol% > %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm

%direxe%\svmtrain.exe -c %C% -g %gamma% %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm %dirout%\model%sig%\%symbol%.mod

%direxe%\svmpred.exe %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm %dirout%\model%sig%\%symbol%.mod %dirprd%\pred%sig%\%symbol%.prd


I believe it is asking for the following files that are not created or not there;



I believe it is asking for the following files that are not created or not there;



Hi Barnix,

The file b4_dd_3.bat calls the run.bat file . Where do you find the files



or how do you create them. I could not find this files or how do you create them.

Also can you post the code for the Better_M2 indicators that you posted the screenshot earlier.

Thank you so much for your great work. i am really greatful and thankful

The run.bat command lines:

SET C=%1 ====>C value for SVM

SET gamma=%2 ====>gamma value for SVM

SET symbol=%3 ====>symbol used

SET dir=%4 ====>input files directory

SET sig=%5 ====>signal number

SET bars=%6 ====>nr of bars (not used)

SET direxe=%7 ====>svm program dir

SET dirprd=%8 ====>output file dir (prediction dir)

SET dirout=%9 ====>working dir

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\train%sig% md %dir%\train%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\test%sig% md %dir%\test%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dir%\s%sig% md %dir%\s%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirout%\scale%sig% md %dirout%\scale%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirout%\model%sig% md %dirout%\model%sig%

IF NOT EXIST %dirprd%\pred%sig% md %dirprd%\pred%sig%

%direxe%\svmscale.exe -s %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.rg %dir%\train%sig%\%symbol% >%dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.t %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\ %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

xcopy %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.fw %dirprd%\pred%sig% /y

%direxe%\svmscale.exe -r %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.rg %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol% > %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm

%direxe%\svmtrain.exe -c %C% -g %gamma% %dirout%\scale%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm %dirout%\model%sig%\%symbol%.mod

%direxe%\svmpred.exe %dir%\test%sig%\%symbol%.libsvm %dirout%\model%sig%\%symbol%.mod %dirprd%\pred%sig%\%symbol%.prd

Hi Barnix,

b4_dd_3.bat calls run.bat . Do i have to manually edit the run.bat to input the values for the SET e.g

SET C=%1 ====>C value for SVM e.g 1

SET gamma=%2 ====>gamma value for SVM e.g 0.2

SET symbol=%3 ====>symbol used e.g EURUSD

SET dir=%4 ====>input files directory e.g C:\svmlib3\input

SET sig=%5 ====>signal number e.g 5

SET bars=%6 ====>nr of bars (not used) e.g 500

SET direxe=%7 ====>svm program dir e.g C:\svmlib3

SET dirprd=%8 ====>output file dir (prediction dir) e.g C:\svmlib3\predoutput

SET dirout=%9 ====>working dir e.g C:\svmlib3\output

if you can explain that would be great .

Please can you also post the Indicators code for the Better_Ma2 moving average indicators that you posted the screenshot earlier

Thank you very much

Better indicators.

Hi Barnix,

Please can you post the indicator code for Better Indocators Better_MA2c

Thank you very much for the Great work


thank you barnix and superluz for the stuff you posted.

I found it is good learning material,

I hope to be able to return the favor.


Generating input files for SVM:

If (extern bool Ramdisk = false) then

generate input files in MT4 file directory


generate input files on ramdisk

Generating input files for SVM:

If (extern bool Ramdisk = false) then

generate input files in MT4 file directory


generate input files on ramdisk

Hi Barnix,

Thank you very much for the SVM indicator i really do appreciate it for the Great work your are doing to the forum . Thank you once again.

Please can you also post the Better_MA2c Indicators code

Thank you very much


How do you know that these are exactly the same indicators/parameters that Better uses?