Tickwatcher - page 4


These are all short trades...Thanks great work!



LOL... I had to modify the TickWatcher because those columns are internally coded.

The disk file name is DIFFERENT so it won't step on your code.

The USDJPY was 15 down verses 12 up...so it is short...and you are correctly short on the other two as you stated.


Question, you enter the pair in the direction of the count, right? So in the chart, you would be long USDJPY and short the other two, right?

Can anybody write an EA for this excellent work that the Rumpled one has done?


How about an EA? not a manual indicator...but good work.. ES


I have been coding MT4 for about 4 weeks now so I am a NOVICE.

I don't know how to coded an EA.

Perhaps someone else can take this to that level.


Your very talented...Thanks for your work...


I have been coding MT4 for about 4 weeks now so I am a NOVICE.

I don't know how to coded an EA.

Perhaps someone else can take this to that level.


Are you using the same indicators and are you using IBFX? I have different colors resulting in different counts using mladens indicator posted in the front of this thread..

Something is wrong...



All is fine...no worrries..I loaded another platform and tried your indicator it works fine scuse me'



Are you using the same indicators and are you using IBFX? I have different colors resulting in different counts using mladens indicator posted in the front of this thread..

Something is wrong...


Are you using the same indicators and are you using IBFX? I have different colors resulting in different counts using mladens indicator posted in the front of this thread..

Something is wrong...


I use EFX Group: EFX: Experience Forex Freedom as my broker. If you are used a FIXED SPREAD BROKER and/or a DEAL DESK, then you are just giving money away.


ok Avery hehe...I have posted with you before in EliteTrader and thought I remembered you...Well I got your name wrong but you and I go back a long way...

I will use your modified mladen TickWatcher indicator and thank you once again...

you would be double dangerous if you tackled EA's!


Tom? LOL!! Tis I, Avery, aka TheRumpledOne (TRO)

I understand, but trading this basket with this method will not be affected much...this could be used with any dealer/marketmaker...

I use EFX Group: EFX: Experience Forex Freedom as my broker. If you are used a FIXED SPREAD BROKER and/or a DEAL DESK, then you are just giving money away.