Plagiat? what is this - a joke??


and just above this"Plagiat" - "MTF_RCI" with regular RSI, author "Scriptor", - not yet plagiat...

strange, what's going on?



I think good nickname for this Scriptor should be "Vacuum Cleaner"

I think good nickname for this Scriptor should be "Vacuum Cleaner"

would be too embarrassing for the authors...

"humble lifter" (meek lifter)?

at least when he was "Collector" Rosh cold make sad jokes like " hm... glad to see mine here sometimes..."; but now Humble Collector is a SCRIPTOR


just wonder, if they know what they doing... (it is offitial website and someone can just sue MQ , and our guys names under that's Scripliftor's stupid joke lable/title) ...or they couldn't find any what Russian call "Intelligent person"?

...or it's just regular mess - sadly, it's how things going too often in Mother Russia


Rosh was posting his own indicators.

And I have no idea who is Collector and Scriptor.

I remember ... it was long time ago Lenar (Metaquotes) asked coders/authors on our forum to post indicators because Metaquotes wanted to create database. Just few authors posted: Igorad, Kalenzo, Rosh and some others. Few indicators. They had some form to fill in (to post the indicators) with "Author" field.

As few indicators only were posted by authors so ... may be ... they decided to collect indicators because they need database anyway. So, they decided to collect but they did not change this field "Author" to "Collected by" for example.

I think it is mis-organization: may be, they do not have anybody who are responsible for this database creation; or just two persons (who are sitting next rooms from each other) are communicating by emails only with each other

Igorad is right: they are filling the vacuum.

It is necessary to suggest them to change this "Author" to "Collected by" and they may give the links about where it was collected from. Otherwise it will be misunderstanding.


in attachment just demonstration how its goes: parody in russian graphic "peoples" language - guy (pilot) kinda shoot his own plane, he fly on, with heat-seeking missile - 'cose he's an idiot

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