Trading Gold/USD - page 24


Statement 7 for GOLD_EA_TRADE_lx_v19_1b


Statement 8 for GOLD_EA_TRADE_lx_v19_1b


Nice curve Barnix. Congrats.



Statement 9 for GOLD_EA_TRADE_lx_v19_1b


Best FX Traders - Daily Trade Reports

The government sells its bonds to the Federal Reserve, which creates new bank deposits out of thin air and uses them to pay for

the bonds. This process creates new money and expands the money supply: hence it is called "monetizing" the government's debt.

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse (by William R. Clark) - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse

by William R. Clark

(Friday, August 5, 2005)

"A successful Iranian bourse will solidify the petroeuro as an alternative oil transaction currency, and thereby end the petrodollar's hegemonic status as the monopoly oil currency. Therefore, a graduated approach is needed to avoid precipitous U.S. economic dislocations."

Best FX Traders - Daily Trade Reports

The government sells its bonds to the Federal Reserve, which creates new bank deposits out of thin air and uses them to pay for

the bonds. This process creates new money and expands the money supply: hence it is called "monetizing" the government's debt.

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse (by William R. Clark) - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse

by William R. Clark

(Friday, August 5, 2005)

"A successful Iranian bourse will solidify the petroeuro as an alternative oil transaction currency, and thereby end the petrodollar's hegemonic status as the monopoly oil currency. Therefore, a graduated approach is needed to avoid precipitous U.S. economic dislocations."

If this wasn't so serious it would actually be funny - there may as well be a picture of mickey-mouse on federal reserve currency!

JFK was the only man brave enough to try and return the power to issue currency to the legitimite government, even managing for a while to issue money that was actually worth something, as it was backed by silver - whereas the federal reserve notes were, and still are backed by nothing! For his trouble he payed the ultimate price, and one of the first acts of his successor was to give monetary control straight back to the banks!...



1.trend-following non-commercial traders such as hedge funds and commodity trading advisors

2.commercial players who take the opposite side of these positions are going

to be correct at thetrend turning points


Currency Trader Magazine

June 2008

Now let’s consider timing. The CFTC sur-

veys clearing firms after the close of business

on a Tuesday reporting period. The data are

not released until approximately 2:30 p.m. CT

most weeks; this may differ for weeks with

holidays as, after all, this is government work.

In general, traders have to wait until the next

trading day to act on these reports. That used

to be Monday morning; often it is Sunday

evening, but in a world increasingly dominat-

ed by cash market dealers and prime brokers,

it could be any time.

Canadian dollar

Two major developments stood out for the

Canadian dollar in 2007 and early 2008

(Figure 2, p. 34). The first was a very negative

non-commercial position at the beginning of

the year that reversed to a very positive

imbalance by the end of 2007 before yet anoth-

er reversal occurred. The net non-commercial

positions appear to lag the trend oscillator,

which suggests that speculators were follow-

ing, not leading, price.

That hypothesis is confirmed by the bubble

chart with the two-day lead (Figure 3, p. 35).

The net non-commercial position reported on

a Tuesday is nothing more than the trend on

the preceding Friday.

The positions at the four- and nine-day lags

do not show any of the expected reversals

from an imbalanced non-commercial position

(Figure 4, p. 36). We have to conclude COT

positions are a poor leading indicator for price

trends in the Canadian dollar.

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British pound

The British pound is dominated more by its

exchange rate to the Euro than to the dollar. A

very discontinuous pattern of net non-com-

mercial positions results (Figure 5, p. 36).

Visual inspection indicates net non-commer-

cial positions follow the price oscillator.

Is this opinion supported by the two-day

lead bubble pattern? Yes, very strongly: Note

the strong preponderance of white bubbles at

the large net negative non-commercial posi-

tions and the strong preponderance of blue

bubbles at the large net positive non-commer-

cial positions (Figure 6, p. 37).

The ability of COT imbalances to precede

trend reversals at the four- and especially at

the nine-day lag appears to be greater than

that seen for the Canadian dollar (Figure 7, p.

37). Whether this is an artifact of cross-rate

trading against the Euro cannot be said for

sure, but this is a more intuitively pleasing

explanation than the alternative: Can we real-

ly expect even large imbalances on the order

of 100,000 contracts to lead a cash market as

large as the British pound?

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Short-term trends

in the USD/CAD pair


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