Don't SELL, just BUY it - page 3



It came from here

Indratime, I believe that was what JackJones was warning about; the GBP/JPY is extremely high right now, so why buy?

IC...maybe i just missunderstood. Thanks for explain, because my english is to bad.

just like Oanda, they can wide their spread to 200pips in second.

200pips spread in second?

are you sure?

what's the normal spread for gbpjpy on oanda?

my broker is 6 spread

IC...maybe i just missunderstood. Thanks for explain, because my english is to bad.

what you guys are referring to is carry trades and it has become so popular in japan (yen owners) that it is a housewife hobby. the govt of japan is now looking at various options since this can have a negative effect on their currency. heck here is the bloomberg article today morning talking about the housewife effect. check it out for yourself. no body knows how long it will last but jumping on that bandwagon now is not a good look.