The truth why 90% or more traders fail.



I have setup a blog with the purpose to expose wannabe and newbie traders to the real reason behind their inevitable demise as traders within the next 12 months after deciding to become a hot shot forex trader.

Yes, in about twelve months most of you will not even remember these forums which you so enthusiastically attend. Why, well, come over and meet Robyn and Alex, I'm pretty sure you will identify with one of them

Best wishes and happy hunting !

FX Sniper


heh, I have setup a blog too actually a couple weeks ago, my thoughts, my reasons etc.. I have been at this forex game off and on for almost 2 years now. However only in the last 6 months have I started to take it seriously.. actually I've become quite obsessed with it. I'm finally reaching a level of consistancy, which is comforting. All my trades and thoughts are posted, the link is in my sig.


I have setup a blog with the purpose to expose wannabe and newbie traders to the real reason behind their inevitable demise as traders within the next 12 months after deciding to become a hot shot forex trader.

Yes, in about twelve months most of you will not even remember these forums which you so enthusiastically attend. Why, well, come over and meet Robyn and Alex, I'm pretty sure you will identify with one of them

Best wishes and happy hunting !

FX Sniper


Where is the blog.

Btw, I have been trading 4X since 2003 and still learning.

It is like I am in a university on a 4 year program


Last I checked, advertisement doesnt fall under freedom of speech/expression.

Last I checked, advertisement doesnt fall under freedom of speech/expression.

Advertising, what the FUC$, it's idiots like you that piss people like me off, I am not selling or advertising you numb nut...

If a moderator reads this please remove my membership from TSD, I dot have time for dumb shit like this and do not want to be associated with TSD in any way anymore...helping people in trading is a total waste of time if anyone does not understand what I wrote on that blog, you are dumber than I thought. I look forward to taking your money on the market, please do come again!

Last I checked, advertisement doesnt fall under freedom of speech/expression.

What's he got to gain from advertising his blog? Maybe some people like to share their experiences with others...what's wrong with that?

What's he got to gain from advertising his blog? Maybe some people like to share their experiences with others...what's wrong with that?

I'm all open for discussion, but I do think he could have just posted the article here on the forum since thats the only thing on his blog.

Now normally I don't say anything, blogging is something new that people do and it's far better than linking to myspace profiles, but I find it rather irritating that some people go around saying "yeah, well if they do this, they infringe on my rights." Just kinda makes you seem like a jerk I'd say, especially since it's a private forum. He admitted they removed the link and his excuse is that it's his right?

In reality I probably shouldn't care one way or the other, and for all I know he could have lost a boatload of money today so he's a bit ticked. But yeah the point was more toward the whole rights thing, I don't want to come out and be like "dude, you sound like a jerk."

I'm all open for discussion, but I do think he could have just posted the article here on the forum since thats the only thing on his blog.

Now normally I don't say anything, blogging is something new that people do and it's far better than linking to myspace profiles, but I find it rather irritating that some people go around saying "yeah, well if they do this, they infringe on my rights." Just kinda makes you seem like a jerk I'd say, especially since it's a private forum. He admitted they removed the link and his excuse is that it's his right?

In reality I probably shouldn't care one way or the other, and for all I know he could have lost a boatload of money today so he's a bit ticked. But yeah the point was more toward the whole rights thing, I don't want to come out and be like "dude, you sound like a jerk."

First off: Thanks jebigabre for understanding what it is all about.

  1. You are mistaken in saying this is a private forum, if it was one, access would be regulated and restricted and the public would not be able to view post AT ALL without access info.
  2. Secondly, I am not able to post the blog here as it contains over 17500 characters and the post size here is limited to 10000 only, and I am sure "IT IS MY RIGHT" to have it all together and not split up.
  3. Thirdly, it is Saturday here in South Africa and my broker although in the US is closed for weekends and thus I can not make profit nor make losses.
  4. In the forth place, other than the people I address in my blog, I have walked the road to experience and did not leach it from other people and took short cuts, I thus do not loose boat loads of money like they do, especially when the market is closed [*]With regards to your comments about people who talk about their rights, well, you are entitled to get ticked off with anything you like, that is your right you see Hope you do not get upset with yourself. I have been posting to forums for over 7 years already long before I started trading FX, and quite a few forums such as SBFX and Moneytec clearly violates freedom of speech and expression with their limitations with the sole purpose of promoting their sponsors.
TSD does not seem to have sponsors and IF and I repeat, IF they did wipe my link, their motives would be suspicious and questionable.

Hope you have a great weekend, it is your right

FX Sniper


Lol FX Sniper.. hope you decide not to quit Forex-TSD.. you will be dearly missed! Your responses are fun to read =]

Lol FX Sniper.. hope you decide not to quit Forex-TSD.. you will be dearly missed! Your responses are fun to read =]

Hehehe, yeah. I kind of get winded up a "little bit" to much sometimes. It's like farting in a closed space to anoy someone and then hurting your own ass in the process

Hehehe, yeah. I kind of get winded up a "little bit" to much sometimes. It's like farting in a closed space to anoy someone and then hurting your own ass in the process

heh I understand totally.. it's nice to vent every once in a while.