All John Ehlers Indicators... - page 17

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I know it does not seem that way, but copyleftis no word game for a free indicator posted on a public forum.

Some additional info on Copyleft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I know it does not seem that way, but copyleftis no word game for a free indicator posted on a public forum.

Some additional info on Copyleft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



that's Linuxer's idea; He probably wrote that page... all by himself



Of reasons for copyleftsome more : TSD used to be a forum where people got together and solved problems in coding and trading systems that were built of indicators that were free and opened. It is not that way anymore.

There is no reciprocity any more. Meaning :

  • some people think that sharing means that the one who is sharing is a complete idiot and that it is enough to "request" to get what they want done (they even get angry when no one responds to their "request")
  • in a lot of cases code found on public forums is simply used to promote ignorants as coders instead for learning (I have already told to one of those that "if instead of stealing he used that time for learning, he already would be a coder" and fxbs, you, yourself ran into a Laguerre RSI renamed and sold as an "original trading system") We are seeing it be done more and more
  • there are no indicators improvements posted anymore

I can not prohibit to anybody to start or continue doing that, but I can remind people what does the word "sharing" mean.

The way it is going on lately, I do not wonder that a lot of good coders do not post anymore. If there is not going to be any rules (explicit or implicit), I am afraid soon all you are going to get on public forums is a meaningless crap and just imagine what kind of a systemsyou are going to have then (not that now some systems are better)




philosophical discussion, great topic for whole thread ... or forum ...or generation

i wish somebody knew the answers - i wish there was the answers

One more "Gaussian filter".

Works for orders (poles) up to 12 (for some reason when order > 12, metatrader goes bananas - my guess is that it can not handle numbers too big or too small used in this indicator for those values, but simply have no will to seek solutions for one more bug, not up to me...) so, now, it is limited to 12th order ...

PS: Ehlers did not make version for order > 4, but it seemed logical to expand it to some extent

Thank you mladen...


Ethan Hunt


Best far, i think

This was the best combination i got out of the cog n ehlers indicators.

I think this is not good enough..didn't use ehlers cog b'cos the signals make more losses than the fisherized cog and fishers transform...

I feel there is a better combo but haven't gotten any yet.. (if you have , plz post it).

This system of trading gives quite accurate turning points in trading.

nice.gif  22 kb
nice2.gif  22 kb
This was the best combination i got out of the cog n ehlers indicators.

I think this is not good enough..didn't use ehlers cog b'cos the signals make more losses than the fisherized cog and fishers transform...

I feel there is a better combo but haven't gotten any yet.. (if you have , plz post it).

This system of trading gives quite accurate turning points in trading.

what is stoch fisher of cog in your first pict?

what is stoch fisher of cog in your first pict?

Looks like one coded by damiani long time ago. Look between first pages, maybe on my posts.


thank you, Linux - i see Fisher Transform for CCO, COGO or RVI.mq4, Damiani, - Bluto's post, page2 ;

he messed-up indicator's names, that's why they doesn't' work





case 0: indw[j]=iCustom(NULL,0,"CyAn_4_Cyber_Cycle",0,i+j);break;

case 1: indw[j]=iCustom(NULL,0,"CyAn_5_CG_Oscillator",0,i+j);break;

case 2: indw[j]=iCustom(NULL,0,"CyAn_6_RVI",0,i+j);break;


better go to Damiani's site and download indicators directly from the source

""Metatrader Indicators