Indicator windows placement


What statement can I use to place a indicator as a seperate window, but also place it at the top of the screen versus the bottom???



Appreciate your input!
What statement can I use to place a indicator as a seperate window, but also place it at the top of the screen versus the bottom???


Appreciate your input!

I think it isn't possible in metatrader. The price chart is allways on the top.


Is it possible to put an indicator on top of the price chart window. Such as an ocilator or macd


Moving indicators

I create a template -- then go and edit the template --

Simply look for the coding

indicator info of the indicator you want to move.

Cut this and paste before the chart area (before this )

-- reload your template and presto -- indicator now at the top.


And they said it could not be done! Live and learn.




Ok that was cool I was able to move the indicator above the price chart window. But is it possible to put the indicator on the price chart window. Trying to mess around with it but not sure if I put the code in the right spot or if it was possible.


Ok that was cool I was able to move the indicator above the price chart window. But is it possible to put the indicator on the price chart window. Trying to mess around with it but not sure if I put the code in the right spot or if it was possible. Thanks

Some you can yes (example FXSnipers overlay czi and sidewinder) - I have also done it with the DPO Histogram - it puts the histogram bar in the middle of your chart area.

Some wont work

Use same technique as explained previously


OK I was tring to put a stoch, overlayed on the price window. I keep working on it. Thanks


A Stoch or RSI would not work -

Probably just histograms --

You could try the Step Stock Histogram that would likely work