Traders joking, the beginning - page 162



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It makes me optimistic about the future to see a kid wearing an Old Dirty Bastard shirt.



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The 40 Most Unusual Economic Indicators

One of the 40 :

Consumer Consumption Of Beer Index

The Concept: Won't be able to make it out to that bar after work? Apparently you aren't alone. Consumers often try to save money by drinking at home, sending pub sales and jobs into a tizzy.

The Proof: In Europe, 73% of jobs tied to the beer industry are outside breweries. These include jobs at bars and restaurants. From 2008 through 2010, employment in the beer industry fell 12% versus 2% for Europe as a whole. Surely austerity measures feel much harder without that drink.

40 most unusual economic indicators


The Vatican was struck by lightning after the Pope announced he was retiring. That really happened. Sounds like someone's not handling the breakup well.


aus ore and aussie dollar -- it might reflect on china (NORTH KOREA rulers ALIKE)

~~ click click ~~

>>>> Neuroanatomy 1 — The Brain

~~~~~~~~~~~click ~~~~ click ~~~

there is the rest of the world -- link -- as above (except china try to think it 3D inward clockwisely)

may give you a clue how to play AUSSIE dollar this week


A top geneticist at Stanford says human intelligence is declining. You know what that means? We are seeing Congress at its smartest and most effective right now.