Coding help - page 679


Hello Mr Mladen,

I was thinking to adding a comment when price have reverse from the trend and have "wait for buy" & "wait for sell " .

 Adding the new line to the buy is no problem , but when adding it to sell it cant make it to work .

What should i need to change ?

Try like this :

   string OPstr = "NO TRADE";;
   color  OPclr = clrYellow;
   if (buffer1[i+SignalCandle]>buffer5[i+SignalCandle]) 
      if (Bid < buffer1[i+SignalCandle] ) 
         OPstr = "BUY";
         OPclr = clrGreen;
         OPstr = "WAIT FOR BUY";
         OPclr = clrLimeGreen;
   if (buffer1[i+SignalCandle]<buffer6[i+SignalCandle] ) 
      if (Bid > buffer1[i+SignalCandle] )
         OPstr = "SELL";
         OPclr = clrRed;
         OPstr = "WAIT FOR SELL";
         OPclr = clrOrangeRed;

Hi mladen,

I try to combine StepMA PDF and RSI like this. Buy when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 30.
Close buy when RSI reaches 70 (or buy SL, TS ad TP) and this I don't know how to insert.
Sell when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 70.
Close sell when RSI reaches 30 (or buy SL, TS ad TP), this I don't know how to insert.  

int doWhat = _doNothing;
      double hull_trend_current  = iCustom(NULL,0,"StepMA pdf 4_6",PERIOD_CURRENT,"",PdfmaLength,SensivityFactor,ConstantStepSize,PdfmaVariance,PdfmaMean,PriceToUse,PdfmaFilter,9,BarToUse);
      double hull_trend_previous = iCustom(NULL,0,"StepMA pdf 4_6",PERIOD_CURRENT,"",PdfmaLength,SensivityFactor,ConstantStepSize,PdfmaVariance,PdfmaMean,PriceToUse,PdfmaFilter,9,BarToUse+1);
      double rsicurrent=iRSI(NULL,0,rsiu,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
      double rsiprevious=iRSI(NULL,0,rsiu,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
         if (hull_trend_current==1 && rsiprevious<lowerband&&rsicurrent>=lowerband)
               doWhat = _doBuy;
         if (hull_trend_current==-1 && rsiprevious>upperband&&rsicurrent<=upperband)
               doWhat = _doSell;
         if (doWhat==_doNothing && !DisplayInfo) return(0);

But I don't know if it is correct?
How can I make the close condition for both buy and sell?

extern int rsiu = 14; // RSI period
extern int lowerband = 30; // RSI lowerband
extern int upperband = 70; // RSI upperband

Hi mladen,

I try to combine StepMA PDF and RSI like this. Buy when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 30.
Close buy when RSI reaches 70 (or buy SL, TS ad TP) and this I don't know how to insert.
Sell when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 70.
Close sell when RSI reaches 30 (or buy SL, TS ad TP), this I don't know how to insert.  

But I don't know if it is correct?
How can I make the close condition for both buy and sell?

As far as I see, it is OK

As of close condition : why don't you simply close opposite type orders when a signal for opening a new order comes in?


Hi mladen,

I try to combine StepMA PDF and RSI like this. Buy when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 30.
Close buy when RSI reaches 70 (or buy SL, TS ad TP) and this I don't know how to insert.
Sell when StepMA PDF is up, and price crosses RSI 70.
Close sell when RSI reaches 30 (or buy SL, TS ad TP), this I don't know how to insert.  

But I don't know if it is correct?
How can I make the close condition for both buy and sell?

If should also close buy if StepMA PDF changes from up to down (if a buy order is open).

And also close sell if StepMA PDF changes from down to up (if a sellorder is open.


As far as I see, it is OK

As of close condition : why don't you simply close opposite type orders when a signal for opening a new order comes in?

Thanks for reply!
I'm afraid I don't understand :) I don't think it will work to close orders when a signal for opening a new order comes in.
It works like this now:


And that's good.
I also want to close an order by two more condition than only SL, TP as it do now.
And the conditions should be:
If a buy order is open and StepMA PDF changes from up to down, the buy order should be closed.
If a buy order is open and RSI reaches 70 (upperband)the buy order should be closed.

And the opposite for sell:
If a sell order is open and StepMA PDF changes from down to up, the sell order should be closed.
If a sell order is open and RSI reaches 30 (lowerband)the sell order should be closed. 


Thanks for reply!
I'm afraid I don't understand :) I don't think it will work to close orders when a signal for opening a new order comes in.
It works like this now:


And that's good.
I also want to close an order by two more condition than only SL, TP as it do now.
And the conditions should be:
If a buy order is open and StepMA PDF changes from up to down, the buy order should be closed.
If a buy order is open and RSI reaches 70 (upperband)the buy order should be closed.

And the opposite for sell:
If a sell order is open and StepMA PDF changes from down to up, the sell order should be closed.
If a sell order is open and RSI reaches 30 (lowerband)the sell order should be closed. 


Then you have to check for close conditions the same way as for open conditions


Try like this :

Thanks for that advise , it work perfectly now :D

Just change the bid condition for buy and sell .



Is it possible to code the attached indi so that I have ability to change font size, font color, and corner location on chart?

Appreciate any help.




Is it possible to code the attached indi so that I have ability to change font size, font color, and corner location on chart?

Appreciate any help.


Try something like this (all except the corner)

#property indicator_chart_window
#property strict

extern double LotSize=1;   // Lot Size
extern int    CommentsXPos           = 50;
extern int    CommentsStartYPos      = 20;
extern int    CommentLinesIncrement  = 13;
extern string CommentFont            = "Courier new";
extern int    CommentFontSize        = 10;
extern string CommentsID             = "comment";
extern color  CommentsColorOddLines  = clrDeepSkyBlue;
extern color  CommentsColorEvenLines = clrSandyBrown;

int init()   { return(0); }
int deinit() { return(0); }

#define  NL "\n"
int start()
   string DepositCurrency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
   double PipValue=(((MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)*MathPow(10,MathMod(_Digits,2)))/MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE))*LotSize);
   double PointValue=PipValue/10;

   string CommentString="";
   CommentString+="Your deposit currency: " + DepositCurrency +NL;
   CommentString+="Lot size requested: " + DoubleToStr(LotSize,2) +NL;
   CommentString+="Value of one point (" + Symbol() + "):  $" + DepositCurrency + " " + DoubleToStr(PointValue,3) +NL;
   CommentString+="Value of one pip   (" + Symbol() + ") : $" + DepositCurrency + " " + DoubleToStr(PipValue,3) +NL;



#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsTxtControls.mqh> 
CChartObjectLabel  commentLabels[];


void displayComment(string comment, int xpos, int ypos, int increment, string id, color commentColorOdd, color commentColorEven)
   string lines[];
   int    linesNo = 0;
   int    s =  0;
   int    i =  StringFind(comment,NL,s);
      while (i > 0)
         string current = StringSubstr(comment,s,i-s);
                     lines[linesNo] = current; linesNo++;
               s = i + 1;
               i = StringFind(comment,NL,s);
      for (i=ArraySize(commentLabels)-1; i>=0; i--) commentLabels[i].Delete(); ArrayResize(commentLabels,linesNo);
      for (i=0; i<linesNo; i++)
         if (MathMod(i,2)==0)
               LabelCreate(commentLabels[i],id+":"+(string)i,StringSubstr(lines[i],0,StringLen(lines[i])-1),commentColorOdd ,xpos,ypos+i*increment,CommentFontSize,CommentFont);
         else  LabelCreate(commentLabels[i],id+":"+(string)i,StringSubstr(lines[i],0,StringLen(lines[i])-1),commentColorEven,xpos,ypos+i*increment,CommentFontSize,CommentFont);
bool LabelCreate(CChartObjectLabel &lbl,const string name,const string text, const color clr,const int x,const int y, int fontSize=10, string font="Courier new") 
   if (!lbl.Create(0,name,0,x,y)) return(false); 
   if (!lbl.Description(text))    return(false); 
   if (!lbl.FontSize(fontSize))   return(false); 
   if (!lbl.Color(clr))           return(false); 
   if (!lbl.Font(font))           return(false); 

Mladen i can't succeed in make it working. It does not update itself and does not show alerts. Can you help, please?


#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers    4
#property indicator_color1     Gold
#property indicator_color2     DodgerBlue
#property indicator_color3     LimeGreen
#property indicator_color4     Crimson

#property indicator_width1     2
#property indicator_width2     2
#property indicator_width3     2
#property indicator_width4     2

extern string                NOTE1           = "SELECT PARAMETERS OF THE INDICATOR"; //SPAN MA CROSS PARAMS
extern int                   SpanPeriod      = 1;            // Period of Span
extern int                   SpanShift       = -26;          // Shift of Span
extern ENUM_MA_METHOD        SpanMode        = 1;            // Mode of Span
extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE    SpanPrice       = 0;            // Applied price of Span
extern int                   MaPeriod        = 55;           // Period of Moving average
extern int                   MaShift         = 0;            // Shift of Moving average
extern ENUM_MA_METHOD        MaMode          = 1;            // Mode of Moving average
extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE    MaPrice         = 0;            // Applied price of Moving average

extern color                 SpanClr         = Gold;         // Span color
extern int                   SpanWdt         = 2;            // Span width
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE       SpanStl         = 0;            // Span line style
extern color                 MaClr           = DodgerBlue;   // Moving average color
extern int                   MaWdt           = 2;            // Moving average width
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE       MaStl           = 0;            // Moving average line style

extern bool                  DrawArrows      = true;         // Draw signal arrows?
extern bool                  DrawMaLines     = true;         // Draw lines?
extern color                 UpArrowClr      = LimeGreen;    // Up arrow color
extern int                   UpArrowWdt      = 2;            // Up arrow width
extern color                 DnArrowClr      = Crimson;      // Down arrow color
extern int                   DnArrowWdt      = 2;            // Down arrow width
extern int                   ArrowsDistance  = 2;            // Arrows distance from candle
extern int                   ArrowHshift     = 0;            // Shift for arrows from cross signal

extern bool                  AlertsOn        = true;         // Active alert?
extern bool                  AlertsOnCurrent = true;         // Alert on current unclosed bar
extern bool                  AlertsMessage   = true;         // Alert message
extern bool                  AlertsSound     = true;         // Alert sound
extern bool                  AlertsEmail     = false;        // Alert e-mail
extern string                SoundFile       = "alert2.wav"; // Filename of sound alert

string                       IndicatorFileName;
int                          WhichBar;
double                       Gap;

double   SpanBuffer[];     // Buffer of the Span
double   MaBuffer[];       // Buffer of the Moving average
double   CrossUpBuffer[];  // Up arrow buffer
double   CrossDnBuffer[];  // Down arrow buffer
double   TrendBuffer[];    // Span/Ma cross buffer

int init()
   IndicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();
   SetIndexBuffer(0, SpanBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, MaBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, CrossUpBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, CrossDnBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, TrendBuffer);
   if (DrawMaLines) {   
   SetIndexStyle (0, DRAW_LINE, SpanStl, SpanWdt, SpanClr);  
   SetIndexStyle (1, DRAW_LINE, MaStl, MaWdt, MaClr);}
   else { 
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_NONE); 
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_NONE);} 
   if (DrawArrows) {
   SetIndexStyle (2, DRAW_ARROW, 0, UpArrowWdt, UpArrowClr); SetIndexArrow(2, 233);
   SetIndexStyle (3, DRAW_ARROW, 0, DnArrowWdt, DnArrowClr); SetIndexArrow(3, 234);}
   else { 
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_NONE); 
   SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_NONE);} 
int deinit() {  return(0); }

int start() {
   int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
   int i, limit;

   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
         limit = MathMin(Bars-counted_bars, Bars-1);
  for(i=limit; i>=0; i--){   
      SpanBuffer[i]  = iMA(NULL, 0, SpanPeriod, SpanShift, SpanMode, SpanPrice, i);
      MaBuffer[i]    = iMA(NULL, 0, MaPeriod, MaShift, MaMode, MaPrice, i);
      Gap = iATR(NULL,0,20,i);
      if (i<Bars-1) TrendBuffer[i] = TrendBuffer[i+1];
         if (SpanBuffer[i] > MaBuffer[i]) TrendBuffer[i] = 1;
         if (SpanBuffer[i] < MaBuffer[i]) TrendBuffer[i] =-1;
         CrossUpBuffer[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         CrossDnBuffer[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         if (i<Bars-1 && TrendBuffer[i]!= TrendBuffer[i+1])
         if (TrendBuffer[i] == 1)
               CrossUpBuffer[i] = Low[i]  - ArrowsDistance * Gap;
         else  CrossDnBuffer[i] = High[i] + ArrowsDistance * Gap; 
         if (AlertsOn)
         if (AlertsOnCurrent)
                  WhichBar = 0;
         else     WhichBar = 1;      
         if (TrendBuffer[WhichBar] != TrendBuffer[WhichBar+1])
         if (TrendBuffer[WhichBar] == 1)
         else  doAlert("downtrend");       

// CUSTOM FUNCTIONS -------------------------

 void doAlert(string doWhat)
   static string   previousAlert="nothing";
   static datetime previousTime;
   string message;
      if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[0]) {
          previousAlert  = doWhat;
          previousTime   = Time[0];

          message =  StringConcatenate(Symbol()," at ",TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS)," Span ma cross ", doWhat);
             if (AlertsMessage) Alert(message);
             if (AlertsEmail)   SendMail(StringConcatenate(Symbol()," Span ma cross "), message);
             if (AlertsSound)   PlaySound(SoundFile);