How can i trade at the curren second price before the current stick reach it close ti


you know a stick on hourtimeframe mean that price at beginning of the hour as its open price and price at the end of the hour as its close price. but how can i express the price at current second on hourtimeframe stick? and how can i trade at the curren second price before the current stick reach it close time?


I dont know if I understand u right but i think if u will use 0 value from Close array u will be trading with current price, it will be the same as Bid price.

Close[0] = Bid

Bid = current time (current second) price

The Bid price is independend from time frame that u r using so it will be the same for hour and minute chart.

If u would like to know what will be the close price of the current bar (hour, minute or else), u will have to use something else than metatrader. I think that something is called crystall ball...


thanks a lot!