Price Criteria


Looks like a great fourm, I just was advised to come here because of a MT4 question I had, so here goes. I have an expert which enters into trades very frequently, and I would like to run multiple instances of it on the same currency pair. However I don't want to have all the experts enter at the same price. I had set up a different qualifying criteria but I do think it would be more efficient to space the trades out using pips...

So what would be the most efficient way to tell an expert to only enter a trade if the price is say some multiple of 100. For expample we would want the expert to only enter a trade if the price ends in x.xx20, where 'x' can be anything.

Someone smarter than me suggested, for a price ending in x.xx00, in MT3 we could do something like this.

Var: GetMultipleStart(0),StartMultiple(0),MultipleValue(0),MultipleValue2(0);

Var: MultipleValue3(0),MultipleValue4(0);

If TotalTrades==0 then StartMultiple=0; // don't forget to reset the variable

If StartMultiple==0 then



If GetMultipleStart=0 then GetMultipleStart=Ask;

If GetMultipleStart>0 then


MultipleValue= GetMultipleStart*100; // Chop of the intergers that aren't wanted

MultipleValue2= (round(MultipleValue)); // Round off to get rid of integers


If MultipleValue2 > MultipleValue then MultipleValue3= MultipleValue2 - 1 Else MultipleValue3=MultipleValue2; // If the integer gets rounded up it will throw things off this

// will negate that effect

MultipleValue4= MultipleValue3/100; // This gives you the value in it's regular form x.x100

Is this possible/feasable in MT4 or is it not worth the time.

Thanks in advance, and I am excited about this new forum.



So the new thought is instead of coming up with something complicated, just stringing it out, one price after another, but if the price is at that point for just a few moments will the expert be able to activate in enough time?
