MT4 Files Functions Replacement. - page 7


Thank you so much Newdigital

How I have problems to walk on the site can be that you could as administrator, to communicate my E-mail for one or deus programmers of whom you have knowledge?

Thank you to answer me Yves81


dll question


I have a dll which I'm able to call using mq4,

I've a function that returns an integer which works fine,

I've another function which returns a string in one of its paramater

for example the dll function is

int getKey( int key, string str);

'key' is an input value, 'str' is an output value

how can I handle this in mq4



I can't get this to compile yet in my environment (MingW), but I can tell you that all the 'couts' will cause problems in MT4 (they creashed mine before in my code).


I ported this code to use libcurl and I think I got it to work.

Tom - have you checked whether it is complete?