Unable to subscribe to Signal


Can't figure out where to ask this, so I'll try here.

I just tried to subscribe to signal Eva Expert and got the following error:

Subscription failed
The Signal subscription cannot be renewed, because new subscriptions are not allowed for the Signal

According to the reviews for the signal, MQL5 "debarred" it for a short time and then allowed it to resume. So why can't I subscribe to it?


Can't figure out where to ask this, so I'll try here.

I just tried to subscribe to signal Eva Expert and got the following error:

Subscription failed
The Signal subscription cannot be renewed, because new subscriptions are not allowed for the Signal

According to the reviews for the signal, MQL5 "debarred" it for a short time and then allowed it to resume. So why can't I subscribe to it?

You should contact the signal provider.
Eleni Anna Branou:

You should contact the signal provider.

Thank you