Psychology of Forex Trading - page 8

Forex Psychology: The Forex market guided by support and resistance levels and if its not clear don't trade by guessing 
Forex Psychology: Don't open a trade by wishing or hope it will be a winning position as if you are gambling
Forex Psychology: The best quote for profitable trader is "Less is More" by opening small position volume and most of your positions are in profit through long period 
Forex Psychology: Don't feel excited from unrealized winning trade
Forex Psychology: Don’t risk more than you can mentally afford to lose
Forex Psychology: Don't over trading if you win continuously trades, take some rest to refresh your mind 
Burhan Guvenc:
Make EAs work for you. They have no emotions :) 
And have no brain :-)
Forex Psychology: Plan your trade; Trade your plan
Forex Psychology: Profitable trader is not the smartest but he is more disciplined than the others 
If your professional and want to exists always in Forex there no many things to do but few basic

Actually you can earn 3% to 5% against your capital

When you have plan for 3% return it means your reducing your all risks

90% peoples mostly loose in Forex that's why 10% peoples becomes rich. Winners always plans for low return.

In these lines everything hidden