error 'Low' - arrays are passed by reference only


hello, when i compil this code i have an error that i don t understand : 'Low' - arrays are passed by reference only   

void minimum(double Low [], int count)

  double min = Low[0];
  for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
    if (min > Low[i])
      min = Low[i];


thanks for your help


Assuming that this is mql4 there is no need to pass it to the function

void minimum(int count)

If an array is passed by reference

void minimum(double &Low [], int count)
But it cannot be the same name as one of the predefined variables/arrays

thank you you solved my problem but it is nit finished yet

 double Low[];
int count=8;   // number of elements to copy
CopyLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,0,count,Low); //la periode est de 1h
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

   double High [];


')' - not all control paths return a value   


Please use the SRC button when posting code. I have done it for you this time.

There is no return in your code

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
   //Is normally followed by