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Added topic error 'Low' - arrays are passed by reference only
hello, when i compil this code i have an error that i don t understand : 'Low' - arrays are passed by reference only    void minimum(double Low [], int count) {     double min = Low[0];     for (int i = 1; i <
Added topic bug with copylow
hello, when a write int CopyLow   (string Low,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES PERIOD_M15,int 0,int Bars ,double low_array[]); the compilation send me an error : '0' comma expected i don t understand why thanks for you help
Added topic problem with setindexbuffer
Hello, i have got an error in the line 24 :'SetIndexBuffer' - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call    #property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link
Added topic error with mq1rate
Hello everybody,  i'm french and i am a beginner, i wrote a program and i need help with an error that i don't understand: int main () { datetime start_time="20:00:00"; datetime stop_time="05:00:00";   MqlRates rates[];    int
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Added topic problem with mq1rates
Hello, I need help to solve an error in my code ; double rates[]; datetime start_time="20:00:00"; datetime stop_time="05:00:00"; int  CopyRates(    string