Csv file data to indicator Buffer plotting wrongly


Hi I have following code

int init()
  //---- indicators
//--------------------------------------------------------inside the start function--------------//
int counter = 0;
while(FileIsEnding(Handle)==false)  // While the file pointer..
     {                                 // ..is not at the end of the file

      //--------------------------------------------------------- 5 --
      Str_DtTm =FileReadString(Handle);// Date and time of the event (date)
      D1     =FileReadString(Handle); 
      D2     =FileReadString(Handle); 
      D3     =FileReadString(Handle); 
      if(FileIsEnding(Handle)==true)   // File pointer is at the end
         break;                        // Exit reading and drawing
      //--------------------------------------------------------- 6 --
      Dat_DtTm =StrToTime(Str_DtTm);   // Transformation of data type
      DD1 = floor(StrToDouble(D1)); 
      DD2 = floor(StrToDouble(D2)); 
      DD3 = floor(StrToDouble(D3)); 

      L1 = *Calculation*;
      M1[counter] = L1;


Above code is plotting the data with indicator buffer but its starting from wrong place. I know i didn't added SetIndexDrawBegin. But How can i initiate that before reading the csv file? 

With Csv file Dat_DtTm is the variable where the start of the index draw begins.  Its stores the start date of csv file. I need indicator buffer get plotted from that time. 

I tried using ibarshit with Dat_DtTm & SetindexdrawBegin inside start function & but if got failed. Any idea?

Thank you in advance. 

Ignore SetIndexDrawBegin, just start drawing at the correct bar, not before.
Ignore SetIndexDrawBegin, just start drawing at the correct bar, not before.

How can I do that?

int tt = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Dat_DtTm);
M1[counter] = L1;

Where I can put this tt for drawing at the correct bar? Need little syntax help here.

   int tt = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Dat_DtTm);
// M1[counter] = L1;
   M1[tt] = L1;
Was that so hard? When in doubt, think.
Was that so hard? When in doubt, think.

Thank you...:)