Orders delay?


Heey people...

I was sending two buy orders to shell and was ok.but today he is with delay.

 This OK!!!







 Buy and Shell difference 4pips. why???????? =(


thanks for always helping me 


Heey people...

I was sending two buy orders to shell and was ok.but today he is with delay.

This OK!!!


Buy and Shell difference 4pips. why???????? =(

  1. Use a spell checker. Learn to speak English. There is no word Heey. What does a mollusk have to do with trading? Who is this he you refer to, and why is he late
  2. That is not OK, except in the tester. OrderSends take time, but Predefined Variables do not update automatically. You must use RefreshRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference between server calls (and after sleep.)
  3. Because the difference between Ask and Bid is called the spread. Turn on the Ask line so you can see it. (Tools -> options -> chart.)
  4. Check your return codes What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum and Common Errors in MQL4 Programs and How to Avoid Them - MQL4 Articles

@WHRoeder: I would like to make a friendly request of you with respect to your hard criticism of the misuse of the English language by non-English speakers.

Yes, it would be great if we had a high level of quality of the written word, in this case English, but not everyone here is a native English speaker nor do we have a "Global" International standard language. We must, in our humility, accept the diversity of users here, and strive to find a middle ground in order to get along and help each other.

Yes, they could place their posts on the forum in the other Language sections, but the number of users on those sections are more limited. The English and the Russian sections are the most prolific ones, so users choose to come to the “English” section because it is the most common for them.

I myself am Portuguese, but was privileged to have had some education in English, but not everyone has had that. I do my best to make sure I write things correctly, but often I do make mistakes. Others with less knowledge of English also do their best with the limited knowledge they have of the language.

There is no need to discriminate against them for writing "bad" English. Obviously one can help them out in improving it, but one can do it with a friendly approach without being condescending.

I hope you understand what I am trying to put forward and hope that you will accept the challenge of not being so “hard” on the non-native English posters.


English: You seem to be a Portuguese speaker. So, if you have great difficulty with the English language, I can try help you out; by direct messaging between us.

Português (Ibérico): Parece-me que fale Português. Portanto, se tiver grande dificuldade com a língua Inglesa, poderei tentar ajudá-lo; através de mensagens directas entre nós.


Just realized that that the MQL4 forum only has a English, Russian and Chinese section and no their languages. Only the MQL5 forum has a Portuguese section as well as several other languages.

So, @WHRoeder, this makes my point about language tolerance even more relevant.

@KeepMarcos, you will have to continue to use the English section or message me directly if you really have great difficulty with English.
FMIC: @WHRoeder: I would like to make a friendly request of you with respect to your hard criticism of the misuse of the English language by non-English speakers. There is no need to discriminate against them for writing "bad" English.
I posted one line out of four, to check his posts before hitting send. That's hardly a "hard criticism."
The remainder was an answer to what I think he meant. That is hardly "discriminating."
Non-English posters should be extra careful, to avoid wasting everyone's time trying to decipher their posts.
This is inline with Please don't write ur - it's "you are" or "your" - MQL4 forum

@WHRoeder. As I said, it is a friendly request, but the fact is that this post is not the only one where you have been "hard" on posters about their English. I am trying to show you, than even though you may not be aware of it, those remarks are indeed making people feel discriminated.

Even I, as a person that does dominate the language fairly well for a non-native of the language, feel that it is just "too harsh". So try to imagine how they feel with such criticism! Surely, if your roles were reversed, you would feel somewhat intimidated with such a response.

Think of it as a meeting with a stranger. Would you feel comfortable, if they started off the conversion immediately correcting your speech pattern or accent? Those are not important in order to resolve the issues being discussed!

In these threads, unless the meaning of the queries and the discussion itself is completely non-understandable, there is no need for it. In this case, even though he used "Heey" and "he is delay", anyone with a basic IQ can understand what is meant.

I am simply making you aware that your words are making us feel uncomfortable, and I am sure that is not what is wanted on these open forums where we come to learn and teach and share with a community.

Please, this is an honest request from my part - Please disregard the language "failings" of posters, unless absolutely necessary for the discussion!



 thank you for understanding, I'm glad :)



 hello, before inserting a new topic, I observe other topics in the forum not to open another new topic. 

Thank you very much the help of the Lord and all those who always answer my doubts. is very valuable this forum.
About my English in most new topic I always say sorry for my English. I live in Brazil and I did not have a good education in another language outside the Portuguese. Unfortunately. Now that I am adult I always try to study English

to have a dialogue forum I use exclusively google translator.


 thank you!


FMIC: Would you feel comfortable, if they started off the conversion immediately correcting your speech pattern or accent? Those are not important in order to resolve the issues being discussed! In these threads, unless the meaning of the queries and the discussion itself is completely non-understandable, there is no need for it. In this case, even though he used "Heey" and "he is delay", anyone with a basic IQ can understand what is meant.

I am simply making you aware that your words are making us feel uncomfortable, and I am sure that is not what is wanted on these open forums where we come to learn and teach and share with a community.

Please, this is an honest request from my part - Please disregard the language "failings" of posters, unless absolutely necessary for the discussion!

  1. Yes I understood what he meant. That is why 3/4 entries was answering his questions.
  2. Feeling uncomfortable is irrelevant. If you want us to spend our time answering a question, then the poster should spend his time posting a reasonable question. Clearly the poster did not and I chide him appropriately. You've taken that way beyond what was posted. Your three posts have not be useful, in fact they have only been insulting to me, not helping the OP at all.
  3. I have answered many questions disregarding language and have done so for more then five years. This time I did not, because the posting was thought less, so I made a simple comment.
  4. Seems to me that you were rather rude and abrupt responding here. Perhaps you should reread your posts and apologize to that poster.

@WHRoeder: How on earth can my offer to the OP to help out should he find it difficult to express himself in English be considered "rude"? On the contrary, he thanked me for it!

I was also in no way rude to you either. I made a polite and friendly request, which you are obviously in your right to deny (which you have). All I can say is that it is a pity that it is so. My best wishes goes out to you!



With regard to you original query, have you been able to resolve it?

Do you now know the different between the Ask and Bid prices for Buy and Sell orders?

Is there any other point for which you require more information or clarification?


@WHRoeder: How on earth can my offer to the OP to help out should he find it difficult to express himself in English be considered "rude"? On the contrary, he thanked me for it!

I was also in no way rude to you either. I made a polite and friendly request, which you are obviously in your right to deny (which you have). All I can say is that it is a pity that it is so. My best wishes goes out to you!

FMIC you are totally right. I tried for years to explain similar things to WHRoeder, but it seems it's not possible for him to understand such simple things.

Anyway after some months in a psychiatric hospital to heal my rudeness and poorness, I am back. 

We will try to rub in peace.


FMIC you are totally right. I tried for years to explain similar things to WHRoeder, but it seems it's not possible for him to understand such simple things.

Anyway after some months in a psychiatric hospital to heal my rudeness and poorness, I am back. 

We will try to rub in peace.

Thank you for your support (and link)! I see now that my request to WH was destined to be denied no matter what.  It really is a pity! Anyway, here is hoping there will peace for all!