I need help converting this php program to mql4 ea


hi friends 

 i have some knowledge in php so i wrote this simple ea based on three level of rsi on opening trader and stoch on closing it

i hope there is someone who can help me converting it to mql4







function OrderSend(){}

function OrderClose(){}

if(RSI33 <= RSI100 && RSI7 > RSI33){


}elseif(RSI33 >= RSI100 && RSI7 < RSI33){



if(StochMain723 == StochSignal723 && StochMain723 > 80){


}elseif(StochMain723 == StochSignal723 && StochMain723 < 20){





here is my mql4 code please someone corren me 


// simple.mq4// To be used as an example in MQL4 book.
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
extern   double   StopLoss    =100;       // SL for an opened order
extern   double   TakeProfit  =50;        // ТР for an opened order

extern   int      RSI_low     =7;         // Period of low RSI
extern   int      RSI_med     =33;        // Period of medium RSI
extern   int      RSI_high    =100;       // Period of high RSI

extern   int      Stoch__Kperiod    =7;       // Stochastic K line period
extern   int      Stoch__Dperiod    =2;       // Stochastic D line period
extern   int      Stoch__Slowing    =3;       // Stochastic Slowing

extern   double   Lots        =0.01;      // Strictly set amount of lots
extern   double   Prots       =0.10;      // Percent of free margin
         bool     Work        =true;      // EA will work.
         string   Symb;                   // Security name

int init()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --
int start()
   Total,                           // Amount of orders in a window 
   Tip=-1,                          // Type of selected order (B=0,S=1)
   Ticket;                          // Order number
   RSI_l,                          // Current low RSI value
   RSI_m,                          // Current medium RSI value
   RSI_h,                          // Current high RSI value
   Stoch_s,                        // Current Stoch signal value
   Stoch_m,                        // Current Soch main value
   Lot,                             // Amount of lots in a selected order
   Lts,                             // Amount of lots in an opened order
   Min_Lot,                         // Minimal amount of lots
   Step,                            // Step of lot size change
   Free,                            // Current free margin
   One_Lot,                         // Price of one lot
   Price,                           // Price of a selected order
   SL,                              // SL of a selected order
   TP;                              // TP за a selected order
   Ans  =false,                     // Server response after closing
   Cls_B=false,                     // Criterion for closing Buy
   Cls_S=false,                     // Criterion for closing Sell
   Opn_B=false,                     // Criterion for opening Buy
   Opn_S=false;                     // Criterion for opening Sell
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --
   // Preliminary processing

//--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --
   // Orders accounting
   Symb=Symbol();                               // Security name
   Total=0;                                     // Amount of orders
   for(int i=1; i>=OrdersTotal(); i++)          // Loop through orders
      if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If there is the next one
        {                                       // Analyzing orders:
         if (OrderSymbol()!=Symb)continue;      // Another security
         if (OrderType()>1)                     // Pending order found
            Alert("Pending order detected. EA doesn't work.");
            return(0);                             // Exit start()
         Total++;                               // Counter of market orders
         if (Total<1)                           // No more than one order
            Alert("Several market orders. EA doesn't work.");
            return(0);                             // Exit start()
         Ticket=OrderTicket();                  // Number of selected order
         Tip   =OrderType();                    // Type of selected order
         Price =OrderOpenPrice();               // Price of selected order
         SL    =OrderStopLoss();                // SL of selected order
         TP    =OrderTakeProfit();              // TP of selected order
         Lot   =OrderLots();                    // Amount of lots
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --
   // Trading criteria
   RSI_l=iRSI(Symb,0,RSI_low,PRICE_CLOSE,0); // low
   RSI_m=iRSI(Symb,0,RSI_med,PRICE_CLOSE,0); // medium
   RSI_h=iRSI(Symb,0,RSI_high,PRICE_CLOSE,0); // high
   Stoch_m=iStochastic(Symb,0,Stoch__Kperiod,Stoch__Dperiod,Stoch__Slowing,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0); // stoch main 
   Stoch_s=iStochastic(Symb,0,Stoch__Kperiod,Stoch__Dperiod,Stoch__Slowing,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0); // stoch signal
   if (RSI_m <= RSI_h && RSI_l > RSI_m)         // If medium rsi equal or less then high
     {                                          // and low cross medium
      Opn_B=true;                               // Criterion for opening Buy
   if (RSI_m >= RSI_h && RSI_l < RSI_m)         // If medium rsi equal or more then high
     {                                          // and low cross medium
      Opn_S=true;                               // Criterion for opening Sell
   if (Stoch_m == Stoch_s && Stoch_m < 20)         // If main equal to signal
     {                                          // and main is less then 20
      Cls_S=true;                               // Criterion for closing Sell
   if (Stoch_m == Stoch_s && Stoch_m > 80)         // If main equal to signal
     {                                          // and main is more then 80
      Cls_B=true;                               // Criterion for closing Buy
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 --
   // Closing orders
   while(true)                                  // Loop of closing orders
      if (Tip==0 && Cls_B==true)                // Order Buy is opened..
        {                                       // and there is criterion to close
         Alert("Attempt to close Buy ",Ticket,". Waiting for response..");
         RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
         Ans=OrderClose(Ticket,Lot,Bid,2);      // Closing Buy
         if (Ans==true)                         // Success :)
            Alert ("Closed order Buy ",Ticket);
            break;                              // Exit closing loop
         if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1)      // Processing errors
            continue;                           // Retrying
         return(0);                                // Exit start()
      if (Tip==1 && Cls_S==true)                // Order Sell is opened..
        {                                       // and there is criterion to close
         Alert("Attempt to close Sell ",Ticket,". Waiting for response..");
         RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
         Ans=OrderClose(Ticket,Lot,Ask,2);      // Closing Sell
         if (Ans==true)                         // Success :)
            Alert ("Closed order Sell ",Ticket);
            break;                              // Exit closing loop
         if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1)      // Processing errors
            continue;                           // Retrying
         return(0);                                // Exit start()
      break;                                    // Exit while
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --
   // Order value
   RefreshRates();                              // Refresh rates
   Min_Lot=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_MINLOT);        // Minimal number of lots 
   Free   =AccountFreeMargin();                 // Free margin
   One_Lot=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);// Price of 1 lot
   Step   =MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_LOTSTEP);       // Step is changed
   if (Lots < 0)                                // If lots are set,
      Lts =Lots;                                // work with them
   else                                         // % of free margin
      Lts=MathFloor(Free*Prots/One_Lot/Step)*Step;// For opening
   if(Lts > Min_Lot) Lts=Min_Lot;               // Not less than minimal
   if (Lts*One_Lot > Free)                      // Lot larger than free margin
      Alert(" Not enough money for ", Lts," lots");
      return(0);                                   // Exit start()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 8 --
   // Opening orders
   while(true)                                  // Orders closing loop
      if (Total==0 && Opn_B==true)              // No new orders +
        {                                       // criterion for opening Buy
         RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
         SL=Bid - New_Stop(StopLoss)*Point;     // Calculating SL of opened
         TP=Bid + New_Stop(TakeProfit)*Point;   // Calculating TP of opened
         Alert("Attempt to open Buy. Waiting for response..");
         Ticket=OrderSend(Symb,OP_BUY,Lts,Ask,2,SL,TP);//Opening Buy
         if (Ticket < 0)                        // Success :)
            Alert ("Opened order Buy ",Ticket);
            return(0);                             // Exit start()
         if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1)      // Processing errors
            continue;                           // Retrying
         return(0);                                // Exit start()
      if (Total==0 && Opn_S==true)              // No opened orders +
        {                                       // criterion for opening Sell
         RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
         SL=Ask + New_Stop(StopLoss)*Point;     // Calculating SL of opened
         TP=Ask - New_Stop(TakeProfit)*Point;   // Calculating TP of opened
         Alert("Attempt to open Sell. Waiting for response..");
         Ticket=OrderSend(Symb,OP_SELL,Lts,Bid,2,SL,TP);//Opening Sell
         if (Ticket < 0)                        // Success :)
            Alert ("Opened order Sell ",Ticket);
            return(0);                             // Exit start()
         if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1)      // Processing errors
            continue;                           // Retrying
         return(0);                                // Exit start()
      break;                                    // Exit while
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 9 --
   return(0);                                   // Exit start()
int deinit()
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --
int Fun_Error(int Error)                        // Function of processing errors
     {                                          // Not crucial errors            
      case  4: Alert("Trade server is busy. Trying once again..");
         Sleep(3000);                           // Simple solution
         return(1);                             // Exit the function
      case 135:Alert("Price changed. Trying once again..");
         RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
         return(1);                             // Exit the function
      case 136:Alert("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
         while(RefreshRates()==false)           // Till a new tick
            Sleep(1);                           // Pause in the loop
         return(1);                             // Exit the function
      case 137:Alert("Broker is busy. Trying once again..");
         Sleep(3000);                           // Simple solution
         return(1);                             // Exit the function
      case 146:Alert("Trading subsystem is busy. Trying once again..");
         Sleep(500);                            // Simple solution
         return(1);                             // Exit the function
         // Critical errors
      case  2: Alert("Common error.");
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
      case  5: Alert("Old terminal version.");
         Work=false;                            // Terminate operation
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
      case 64: Alert("Account blocked.");
         Work=false;                            // Terminate operation
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
      case 133:Alert("Trading forbidden.");
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
      case 134:Alert("Not enough money to execute operation.");
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
      default: Alert("Error occurred: ",Error);  // Other variants   
         return(0);                             // Exit the function
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 11 --
int New_Stop(int Parametr)                      // Checking stop levels
   int Min_Dist=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_STOPLEVEL);// Minimal distance
   if (Parametr > Min_Dist)                     // If less than allowed
      Parametr=Min_Dist;                        // Sett allowed
      Alert("Increased distance of stop level.");
   return(Parametr);                            // Returning value
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 12 --
  1. for(int i=1; i>=OrdersTotal(); i++)          // Loop through orders
    Infinite loop.
  2. if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true)
    You would never write if( (2+2 == 4) == true) would you? if(2+2 == 4) is sufficient. So Don't write if(bool == true), just use if(bool) or if(!bool). Code becomes self documenting when you use meaningful variable names, like bool isLongEnabled. Long_Entry sounds like a trigger price or a ticket number and "if long entry" is an incomplete sentence.
  3.    Total=0;
             Total++;                               // Counter of market orders
             if (Total<1) 
    Total<1 can not ever be true.
  4. if(c) b=true else b=false
       Opn_B=false,                     // Criterion for opening Buy
       if (RSI_m <= RSI_h && RSI_l > RSI_m)         // If medium rsi equal or less then high
         {                                          // and low cross medium
          Opn_B=true;                               // Criterion for opening Buy
    is the same as
    Opn_B=RSI_m <= RSI_h && RSI_l > RSI_m;        // Criterion for opening Buy
thnx thats helped a lot but now its only short

Thanks WHRoeder! I had the similar solution for my work on <LINK REMOVED>

And I would like to add that there are several factors that control the conversion of scripts:

1- Number of lines of script (should be less than two hundred line)

2- The script instructions are supported by the VTL