clean up my objects


Hi ,


apologies for the basic qn but I'm used to teh JVM doing this magic for me. I have a function that is called OnTick, it creates a few object instances, makes calculations and passes on the object reference to a controller function, controller does his thing and exits/finished. simplified code below. I know I need to clean up these objects, but I don't know how/when. I presume I need to do so at end of each "tick cycle" else I'll up with thousands of objects....


Perhaps I could make teh object class variables but my  real question is howto a clean up after myself? 


Thanks in advance, 


void OnTick()



int runCalc()

 BaseObject *baseObj=new BaseObject
 SuperObject *superObj=new SuperObject




void controller(BaseObject &_bobj, SuperObject &_sobj)

  //do stuff
  //make trades
Toriacht: I presume I need to do so at end of each "tick cycle" else I'll up with thousands of objects....
Yes you do.
  1. delete your pointers before returning.
  2. Don't use pointers
     BaseObject baseObj;
     SuperObject superObj;