Accurate Backtesting -- Different timeframes.

I am writing my first EA (again!). I am trying to simulate an existing MT4 indicator so I can confirm my calculations are correct. So I am trying to calculate the ichi-moku calculations for Hourly and Daily in one EA and compare my results to the packaged MT4 one. 

My issue issue is, when running my EA from MetaEditor, if I set Tools->Options->Debug to  my currency, GBPUSD for example, and Hourly timeframe then my PERIOD_H1 calculations are correct and my PERIOD_D1 are "off". After multiple fruitless trawls for a bug I just changed the  Tools->Options->Debug to GBPUSD and Daily and voila my PERIOD_D1 calculations are correct but my PERIOD_H1 calculations are now "off"

When I'm making my calculations I am calling the same piece of code (OO class function), I just change the timeframe from PERIOD_H1 to PERIOD_D1. Am i doing something wrong? This implies that to get the correct value I need to run my EA  and calculations against one timeframe only _ I presume this implication is incorrect!

for example, all calculations are "timeframe generic" like below:

//+ Calculate the highest high over last $periods number of candles
//+ timeframe -- timeframe of the currency
//+ periods -- number of canldes to look back
//+ offset -- number of bars from current candle to start calculations
double MyObject::getHigh(int timeFrame,int periods,int offset)
  string description="MyObject.getHigh(): ";
   double valHigh;
//--calculate high, last $periods full candles
   datetime time=iTime(EA_CURRENCY,timeFrame,offset); 
   string timeAsString=TimeToStr(time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);
   Print("Getting highest high of last ",periods," bars, starting at offset of: ",offset, "timeframe of starting bar is: ",timeAsString);
   int val_indexHigh=iHighest(EA_CURRENCY,timeFrame,MODE_HIGH,periods,offset);
   if(val_indexHigh!=-1) valHigh=High[val_indexHigh];
   else PrintFormat(description,"Error in call iHighest. Error code=%d",GetLastError());
   datetime timeOfHighest=iTime(EA_CURRENCY,timeFrame,val_indexHigh);
   string timeAsStringOfHigh=TimeToStr(time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);
   Print(description,"Unnormalised Highest price  on the : ",timeFrame," timeframe over the last ",periods," candles at an offset of ",offset," is: ",valHigh," bar is: ",timeAsStringOfHigh);
   Print(description,"Highest price  on the : ",timeFrame," timeframe over the last ",periods," candles at an offset of ",offset," is: ",valHigh);
   return valHigh;

int val_indexHigh=iHighest(EA_CURRENCY,timeFrame,MODE_HIGH,periods,offset);
   if(val_indexHigh!=-1) valHigh=High[val_indexHigh];
Predefined variables are the current chart only. You are mixing apples and oranges
Predefined variables are the current chart only. You are mixing apples and oranges
Perfect! Thank you for replying, I'm not sure i would ever have spotted that. That should teach me not to blindly copy n pate snippets from documentation!!