Listing news - page 2

Please, why this is not working? 
newsrss.mq4  5 kb
Please, why this is not working? 

At least the:

#import "wininet.dll"
  int InternetOpenA(string sAgent,int lAccessType,string sProxyName = "",string sProxyBypass = "",int lFlags = 0);
  int InternetOpenUrlA(int hInternetSession, string sUrl,string sHeaders = "",int lHeadersLength = 0,int lFlags = 0, int lContext = 0);

do not work any more you have to use the kernel32' ...W(..) function!

Search (google) for "mt4 news b600+"

Please, why does not this?
repair does not work :-(
Well either learn how to 'heal' the problem or google for another newer solution!
Seeking solutions for forexfctory calendar. I need it because of the time there and I want to see the value of which is not in the original. Unfortunately, nothing works
Please help. NewsCal v107 validate open code. 

You want it fast? Pay the help ...

It can be repaired quite easily actually. Just some code upgrade is all it needs.

For completeness: the signals from the pages forexfactory I have no problem to download. All you need to read from the file. Then there edit the correct time zone and other things that I think are important and in the original indicators are missing.