How many USD to purchase EURGBP?

The "Entry Price" to buy EURGBP is listed as being "0.78617".  My base currency is USD.

Is the "Entry Price" in USD or EUR?

How much, in USD, would it cost to purchase a standard 100,000 lot of EURGBP?

The "Entry Price" to buy EURGBP is listed as being "0.78617".  My base currency is USD.

Is the "Entry Price" in USD or EUR?

How much, in USD, would it cost to purchase a standard 100,000 lot of EURGBP?

You are effectively "buying" 100,000 Euros with GBP

So the cost in GBP will be  78,617

if GBPUSD is 1.500, the cost in $ will be 78,617*1.5 

Though I believe per contract would be 1000 lot max (depends on broker).