Alerts Price Triggered when Actual Price is nowhere near Alert Price


My Price alerts are getting triggered when price is no where near alert price.What is going on? The example below show AUD/USD the orange line shows where alert should be.I have circled the triggered alert.



HouseHusband: My Price alerts are getting triggered when price is no where near alert price.What is going on? The example below show AUD/USD the orange line shows where alert should be.I have circled the triggered alert.
Your image shows:
  1. You have an alert EURJPY < 141.468 with market watch showing 142.438 (pull back)
  2. You have an alert GBPJPY < 180.246 and market watch showing 181.610 (pull back)
Nothing to do with your AUDUSD
Its just a example of whats happening. I thought it was fairly well explained. Just need a answer for situation.

I don't know when you set that alert but according to your chart it should have been hit about 24 hours ago or so..
You might try setting the correct date on your computer ... it thinks it's May the 11th.

I don't see how that would affect it, but it might..



I don't know when you set that alert but according to your chart it should have been hit about 24 hours ago or so..
You might try setting the correct date on your computer ... it thinks it's May the 11th.

I don't see how that would affect it, but it might..


The alert was set today 11/05/2014 , we do our dates day month year in Australia. So its not there a limit for how many alerts you can have?
The alert was set today 11/05/2014 , we do our dates day month year in Australia. So its not there a limit for how many alerts you can have?

I have no idea how to help you :(

1) Your chart does not show why your Alert isn't doing what you want h4 - but an Alert at 10:37

2 ) No code.

3) "The alert was set today 11/05/2014 , we do our dates day month year in Australia."  -  ???

4) There is no Alert-Limit

The alert was set today 11/05/2014 , we do our dates day month year in Australia. So its not there a limit for how many alerts you can have?

Of course..... How stupid of me... let's just pretend I never said that....LOL... the only thing this reminds me of is several years ago I had a broker whose server was a little flaky and it would come and go. When it came and went ... for a brief moment the bid price was zero... when it did that it would trigger things that were looking for the bid to be below a certain price... zero was below that certain price... do you think your broker's server is behaving properly?... A long shot but the only thing that comes to mind as I look at this in the wee hours on a rainy night in Mississippi.....