What annoys me in latest builds of MT4


1. installation Must  be _user Independent_ , even Server independent.

2. EAs, Indicators should never belong to AppData  tree (unlike logs, tick  or funny user parameters).

3. Code should never be  updated automatically.

4. dump  Billy Williams and  all garbage. Be pragmatic.

5. good luck!

PS. more on demand.


1. installation Must  be _user Independent_ , even Server independent.

2. EAs, Indicators should never belong to AppData  tree (unlike logs, tick  or funny user parameters).

3. Code should never be  updated automatically.

4. dump  Billy Williams and  all garbage. Be pragmatic.

5. good luck!

PS. more on demand.

I agree with most. Just placing the code to the AppData tree I consider correct.

Surprise with unexpected updates is a pain, and I personally hate the number 4 consequences - again and again I have to traverse the garbage in the indicators and include folders. When you delete them, they got back with the next "surprise" update.


I agree with you too.

Not only that, also the situation for Linux users is unsatisfiying. The terminal.exe is getting blown up with - to my personal object - useless content, which made the overall execution of terminal.exe under Linux with Wine quite sluggish on a consumer notebook. Performance went down noticable.

I also detected 2 different toolkits being used (at least it gives me the impression). While terminal.exe seem to be using an older -> better performance -> toolkit (GUI Elements), the metaeditor.exe seem to be using a different (might be newer) toolkit (GUI Elements) which operates slower under Wine. The two programs look differently now.

While the one has dragable toolbar elements, the editor has not anymore. The draghandle is missing. While all menu entries in terminal.exe have this gray vertical bar, the editor on the other hand has not. Not to mention all the special efforts being put into obsfucating (crypting, locking, ... name it as you wish) the terminal.exe as well as metaeditor.exe.

I am -> to say the truth -> a bit worried about this situation. Specially the overall Linux and MacOS situation is the key driven issue here. We need Wine (220mb after installation including mono and mozilla -> the regular packages provided by most distros (Fedora 20 here)). After that around 300mb is being installed into your homedirectory which sums it up to 520mb requirements of Wine for another say 30mb for MetaTrader.

Not to mention that Wine is a direct API rewrite of the MS API which could lead into errorous execution and thus loss of money (speculative explaination).

Besides MetaTrader (which I still like) I already look over to ThinkOrSwim (as an overall solution: I plan to trade stocks as well, so one platform might be an answer) which requires JRE + JavaFX (comes both with one JRE (don't use OpenJDK because it lacks JavaFX implementation)). All in all I end up in just 75mb JRE + 30mb TOS, which is just 1/5 of MetaTrader ressource requirements under Linux or MacOS. I can even run this stuff on a RaspberryPie because Oracle offers JRE for ARM.