Trendline break indicator showing OHLC break since manually created trendline object has been created


Hi everyone.

Im trying to figure out how I can detect if a manually drawn trendline has been broken with a OHLC since its creation.


Thanks ffoorr

 Im working on a combination of ibarshift and ObjectGetValueByShift 


I have run into a brickwall.

On each chart (symbol) I might be drawing manual trendlines on 3 or more timeframes. The ObjectGetValueByShift on works on the current timeframe that the chart is in (I think). 


i think i have got it but its hard to get a match to the visual 


My solution. It works really well.


My solution, enjoy and let me know if it can be improved upon. 


//|                                               TrendlineBreak.mqh |
//|                                              Christopher Barklem |
//|                                   |
#property copyright "Christopher Barklem"
#property link      "http: //"
#property strict

extern bool Include_Internal_Break_Detection = true; // This option allows you to either detect breaks past time2 or the whole line.
extern bool Detect_OHLC_Break_Of_Trendline   = true; // This option allows you to limit the break to be at least one candles open, high low and close across the line.
extern bool Detect_Close_Break_Of_Trendline  = true; // This option allows you to limit the break to a close past the line.
extern bool Detect_Price_Break_Of_Trendline  = true; // This option allows you to limit the break to any price action past the line.

//| Detect is price has created an OHLC break of a trendline         |
bool CheckTrendlineBreak(string obj_name)
    bool     trendline_broken = false;
    string   trend_direction;

    double   obj_price1     = ObjectGet(obj_name, OBJPROP_PRICE1);
    double   obj_price2     = ObjectGet(obj_name, OBJPROP_PRICE2);
    datetime obj_time1      = ObjectGet(obj_name, OBJPROP_TIME1);
    datetime obj_time2      = ObjectGet(obj_name, OBJPROP_TIME2);
    int      obj_timeframes = ObjectGet(obj_name, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES);

    // Correct trendline drawing. Trendline should be drawn right to left.

    datetime temp_time1, temp_time2;
    if (obj_time1 > obj_time2)
        temp_time1 = obj_time2;
        temp_time2 = obj_time1;
        obj_time1  = temp_time1;
        obj_time2  = temp_time2;

    // Assume manual uptrend or downtrend
    if (obj_price1 > obj_price2)
        trend_direction = "DOWN";
    }    // DOWN
    else if (obj_price2 > obj_price1)
        trend_direction = "UP";
    }   // UP
    else if (obj_price2 == obj_price1)
        trend_direction = "HORIZONTAL"; return false;
    }    // No trend to check for break.

    int    objectTimeFrame = visToPeriod(obj_timeframes);

    double tslope, tp3, ClosePrice, OpenPrice, HighPrice, LowPrice;
    int    candleAbove, candleBelow;

    int    tp1shift = iBarShift(NULL, objectTimeFrame, obj_time1, true);
    int    tp2shift = iBarShift(NULL, objectTimeFrame, obj_time2, true);

    int    shiftcheck;

    if (Include_Internal_Break_Detection == true)
        shiftcheck = tp1shift;
        shiftcheck = tp2shift;

    if (trend_direction == "UP" && tp1shift - tp2shift > 0)
        tslope      = (obj_price2 - obj_price1) / (tp1shift - tp2shift);
        candleBelow = 0; candleBelow = 0;

        for (int ishift = shiftcheck - 1; ishift > 0; ishift--)
            ClosePrice = iClose(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            OpenPrice  = iOpen(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            HighPrice  = iHigh(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            LowPrice   = iLow(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);

            if (ishift > tp2shift)
                tp3 = (tslope * (tp1shift - ishift)) + obj_price1;
            else if (ishift == tp2shift)
                tp3 = obj_trendline_array[ID].price2;
                tp3 = (tslope * (tp2shift - ishift)) + obj_.price2;

            if (Detect_OHLC_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3 && OpenPrice > tp3 && HighPrice > tp3 && LowPrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3 && OpenPrice < tp3 && HighPrice < tp3 && LowPrice < tp3)
            if (Detect_Close_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3)
            if (Detect_OHLC_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3 || OpenPrice > tp3 || HighPrice > tp3 || LowPrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3 || OpenPrice < tp3 || HighPrice < tp3 || LowPrice < tp3)
        if (candleBelow > 0)
            trendline_broken = true;
        if (candleBelow == 0)
            trendline_broken = false;

    if (trend_direction == "DOWN" && tp1shift - tp2shift > 0)
        tslope      = (obj_.price1 - obj_price2) / (tp1shift - tp2shift);
        candleBelow = 0; candleBelow = 0;

        for (int ishift = shiftcheck - 1; ishift > 0; ishift--)
            ClosePrice = iClose(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            OpenPrice  = iOpen(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            HighPrice  = iHigh(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);
            LowPrice   = iLow(NULL, objectTimeFrame, ishift);

            // tp3 = tp2-((tp2shift-ishift)*tslope);
            if (ishift > tp2shift)
                tp3 = obj_price1 - (tslope * (tp1shift - ishift));
            else if (ishift == tp2shift)
                tp3 = obj_price2;
                tp3 = obj_price2 - (tslope * (tp2shift - ishift));

            if (Detect_OHLC_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3 && OpenPrice > tp3 && HighPrice > tp3 && LowPrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3 && OpenPrice < tp3 && HighPrice < tp3 && LowPrice < tp3)
            if (Detect_Close_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3)
            if (Detect_OHLC_Break_Of_Trendline)
                if (ClosePrice > tp3 || OpenPrice > tp3 || HighPrice > tp3 || LowPrice > tp3)
                if (ClosePrice < tp3 || OpenPrice < tp3 || HighPrice < tp3 || LowPrice < tp3)
        if (candleAbove > 0)
            trendline_broken = true;
        if (candleAbove == 0)
            trendline_broken = false;


// Objects return an object timeframe like OBJ_PERIOD_M5, but functions like iBarShift want the chart period timeframe like PERIOD_M5.

int visToPeriod(int objectVisTime)
    switch (objectVisTime)
    case OBJ_PERIOD_M5:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_M15:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_M30:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_H1:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_H4:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_D1:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_W1:
    case OBJ_PERIOD_MN1:

 start() is missing in your indicator.

How will you detect the line ? the name of the line is needed, so when drawing the line give it a name, so you can find the line with his name :

if( ObjectFind( name_of_the_line ) > -1 ) mean the line has been found

 don't know if lines will be found on other timeframe or chart.

double  ObjectGetValueByShift(
   string   object_name,   // object name
   int      shift          // bar index

if(   (ObjectGetValueByShift( name_of_the_line, Shift )  > Low[Shift] ) &&  
      (ObjectGetValueByShift( name_of_the_line, Shift )  < High[Shift] ) 

Something like that, you need the Shift, the "i", so you need the start()