Code inside own function not working


I tried to search for a similar problem, but couldn't find it.

I use a snippet to read an URL from MetaTrader, found here: This works when I put the code in the OnTimer (or OnInit) function, but not when I put it in a own function which I call from the OnTimer function.

This works and shows the value of the text file on my server:

#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetConnectW(int, string, int, string, string, int, int, int); 
   int HttpOpenRequestW(int, string, string, int, string, int, string, int); 
   int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, string, int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
   string URL = "";
   int HttpOpen = InternetOpenW(" ", 0, " ", " ", 0); 
   int HttpConnect = InternetConnectW(HttpOpen, "", 80, "", "", 3, 0, 1); 
   int HttpRequest = InternetOpenUrlW(HttpOpen, URL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
   int read[1];
   string Buffer = " ";
   string page = "";
   while (true)
      InternetReadFile(HttpRequest, Buffer, StringLen(Buffer), read);
      if (read[0] > 0)
                        page = page + StringSubstr(Buffer, 0, read[0]);
      else              break;
   if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
   if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
   if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
   MessageBox(page, "HTTP READ:" ); 

This doesn't work:

#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetConnectW(int, string, int, string, string, int, int, int); 
   int HttpOpenRequestW(int, string, string, int, string, int, string, int); 
   int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, string, int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
   MessageBox(geturl(""), "Read response");
string geturl(string url)
   int HttpOpen = InternetOpenW(" ", 0, " ", " ", 0); 
   int HttpConnect = InternetConnectW(HttpOpen, "", 80, "", "", 3, 0, 1); 
   int HttpRequest = InternetOpenUrlW(HttpOpen, url, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
   int read[1];
   string Buffer = " ";
   string page = "";
   while (true)
      InternetReadFile(HttpRequest, Buffer, StringLen(Buffer), read);
      if (read[0] > 0)
                        page = page + StringSubstr(Buffer, 0, read[0]);
      else              break;
   if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
   if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
   if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
   MessageBox(page, "HTTP READ:" );    
   return page;

The messagebox inside the geturl function is blank, same as the messagebox in the timer function. The URL given in the Timer function is correct when I print it in the geturl function. So something goes wrong on the call to the website itself, but I can't figure out what. Any ideas?

Edit: 20140226: replaced "" with ""


Just looking at it quickly but it looks like your function pops up the MessageBox for you so you don't need to call it from INSIDE a MessageBox in the Ontimer() function.. looks like a simple


Might work.
But like I said I didn't really study it... good luck.



Hi Jimdandy

Thanks for the reply. I tried the MessageBox inside both functions for some sort of 'debugging', to be sure it wasn't going wrong with the function return. But both MessageBoxes pop up blank in my second example.

No one else an idea what is going wrong in my code?

i realy dont know what u want it's not a real address

i checked the address ( manually & i get 404 page not found


The original URL was replaced, I thought "" would make that clear.

I'll change the post with a working URL, like for example:


#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetConnectW(int, string, int, string, string, int, int, int); 
   int HttpOpenRequestW(int, string, string, int, string, int, string, int); 
   int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, uchar & arr[], int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 


string geturl(string url)
   int HttpOpen = InternetOpenW(" ", 0, " ", " ", 0); 
   int HttpConnect = InternetConnectW(HttpOpen, "", 80, "", "", 3, 0, 1); 
   int HttpRequest = InternetOpenUrlW(HttpOpen, url, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
   int read[1];
   uchar  Buffer[];
   ArrayResize(Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
   string page = "";
   while (true)
      InternetReadFile(HttpRequest, Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZE, read);
      string strThisRead = CharArrayToString(Buffer, 0, read[0], CP_UTF8);
      if (read[0] > 0)
         page = page + strThisRead;
   if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
   if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
   if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
   MessageBox(page, "HTTP READ:" );    
   return page;

Thank you qjol, that works!

Hi ,

I have tried the following code: To call an https: web page into an EA or indicator, but unable to get it to load. I have tried the but unable to get it to work.

can anyone assist thanks

I also have the same issue for HTTPS even with port changed from 80 to 443.