MetaTrader 4 Build 574 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 36

In my opinion, places like ff, tsd and others usually have pretty strong mql programmers. Do you not believe they'll update their programs?
No, I think that there's a lot of orphan code, and things which stop working will be replaced by new things which do work. Either way, lots of non-developers find that things they're used to stop working in obscure ways ranging from explicit error messages through to an inexplicable lack of activity, and have the hassle of searching for a replacement at the same time that every major MT4 broker apart from Alpari is spamming them with offers for an alternative platform. The only area where there seems to have been any significant movement on backward-compatibility - I haven't checked the details - is hst files, and I don't think that's a coincidence.
gchrmt4: No, I think that there's a lot of orphan code, and things which stop working will be replaced by new things which do work. Either way, lots of non-developers find that things they're used to stop working in obscure ways ranging from explicit error messages through to an inexplicable lack of activity, and have the hassle of searching for a replacement at the same time that every major MT4 broker apart from Alpari is spamming them with offers for an alternative platform. The only area where there seems to have been any significant movement on backward-compatibility - I haven't checked the details - is hst files, and I don't think that's a coincidence.
Interesting. I'll give the other guys another look. Last time I checked they weren't there yet.
Interesting. I'll give the other guys another look. Last time I checked they weren't there yet.
I'm told that they're still not "there" yet. I just think that this gave MQ second thoughts about breaking every single existing tick-chart generator for MT4. (If only they'd wake up about the possible implications of other losses of backward-compatibility.)
gchrmt4: I'm told that they're still not "there" yet. I just think that this gave MQ second thoughts about breaking every single existing tick-chart generator for MT4. (If only they'd wake up about the possible implications of other losses of backward-compatibility.)

What if Meta-Quotes expects the DLL developer to update the DLL. Do you think thats a bad assumption on their part?

I mean, I'm no career_programmer and thats why I ask allot of these questions.

On the other-hand, if MQ doesn't listen to peers-who-know then perhaps its best they fail some.

That might give others chance in the EA/Retail_Trading game and Competition is good ... No?


What if Meta-Quotes expects the DLL developer to update the DLL. Do you think thats a bad assumption on their part?

Depends which scenario we're talking about. If it turns out that something like Fapturbo relies on ArrayCopyRates() and a DLL, then expecting the developers to update the code is a terrible assumption on MetaQuotes's part.

The business model of the well-known commercial robots is: charge a one-off up-front fee (usually $149, reduced to $99 "for this week only", of which 50% typically goes on refunds and a further 25% of the total in affiliate fees).

The creators of these things which generate volume and money for brokers - MetaQuotes's paying customers - are long gone, busy counting the money in the hills. They're not going to come back and update their DLL for free.


Depends which scenario we're talking about. If it turns out that something like Fapturbo relies on ArrayCopyRates() and a DLL, then expecting the developers to update the code is a terrible assumption on MetaQuotes's part.

The business model of the well-known commercial robots is: charge a one-off up-front fee (usually $149, reduced to $99 "for this week only", of which 50% typically goes on refunds and a further 25% of the total in affiliate fees).

The creators of these things which generate volume and money for brokers - MetaQuotes's customers - are long gone, busy counting the money in the hills.

I get your points. I'm guessing that MQ is gambling that these customers wouldn't leave MT. Instead they'll a) Try to contact the source of their money_machine. {if those things are indeed money_machines}, and should that fail b) Look for a different money_machine.

I think you know my position on this ... which is I favor (b). But this could be a chance for all-of-us including MQ to learn a valuable lesson about EA_Customers.



I get your points. I'm guessing that MQ is gambling that these customers wouldn't leave MT. [...]

A few would leave; most wouldn't (though the disruption would make them, medium-term, more receptive to offers of alternative platforms where - supposedly - this kind of annoyance doesn't happen).

But, FFS, why allow that few, and give your competitors a free pass, when you could spend a tiny amount of time adding the requisite backward-compatibility?

[However... if that scenario did happen, the bigger short-term issue is brokers losing trading volume. At that point, the marketing department increases the budget behind promoting an alternative platform.]


Some interesting discovery I´ve just made: you can only launch 32 MT4 instances of this new build system wide!

I have copied the terminals to different paths (the oldschool way) to still be able to start as many as I want (all in portable mode of course).

Boy was I wrong: the terminal seems to check how many other terminal.exe are running in memory on the system and you can only launch a maximum of 32 instances system wide, even if they are launched from different paths and renaming the terminal.exe also won´t help! Launching more than 32 instances simply won´t work and the terminal simply won´t open again even from another path.

With build 509 I was able to open as many instances as I wanted. I hope MQ can remove this limitation? What is it good for at all? I have a 16 CPU core machine with 32GB of RAM and I often have up to 50 terminals open for optimization reasons, also to make full use of the machines power and because MT4 only uses 1 CPU core at a time that was a very efficient way with build 509 and previous builds. This was never a problem and I don´t get it why MQ would add a 32 instances system-wide limit even if the terminals are launched from different paths - seems like a pretty strange limitation that really helps no one and just limits those with big machines!

Grml :(


Depends which scenario we're talking about. If it turns out that something like Fapturbo relies on ArrayCopyRates() and a DLL, then expecting the developers to update the code is a terrible assumption on MetaQuotes's part.

The business model of the well-known commercial robots is: charge a one-off up-front fee (usually $149, reduced to $99 "for this week only", of which 50% typically goes on refunds and a further 25% of the total in affiliate fees).

The creators of these things which generate volume and money for brokers - MetaQuotes's paying customers - are long gone, busy counting the money in the hills. They're not going to come back and update their DLL for free.

A good businessman would see that in an entirely different way. Unless he wrote a guarentee that he would upgrade the product when ever the platform was upgraded then it was sold as is. That means he has thousands of customers out there about to find out they need an updated version ... $$$ cha ching !!


Is it true, that since 582 it converts the old offline file format on the fly?


Выпустили обновление 582 билда:

  • исправление взятия пароль из стартового .ini скрипта, если он идет в списке до логина
  • показываем окно с уведомлением об миграции собственных (не из штатной поставки) программ

  • умеем всегда правильно обновлять стандартную библиотеку MQL4 при любом переносе терминала
  • улучшена защиты FTP и email паролей в настройках терминала
  • для оффлайновых чартов сохранили возможность читать старые форматы файлов, работает автоматическая конвертация при чтении
  • разрешили штатную передачу массивов строк в DLL
  • показываем скрытые (созданные программно) объекты в диалоге объектов
  • исправление для sinput
  • поправки в работе оптимизатора при смене настроек
  • по креш логам

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