What is Wrong here?


Hi there

I'm trying to asign these two values to the to the static double after the condition is meet .

The Maxvoluume is a extern double, but it don't run block 2 when it should block 1 should return or break go back to the start function start .

so what do i need to change.



static double Price_h=0;

static double Price_l=0;

if (Volume[1]<Maxvoluume)
{Print("less than max");return}

{Print("more than max");

I try this no luck .

Got me stumped may be the volume the prolem do i need an array for that ?.

static double Price_h=0;
static double Price_l=0;

if (Volume[1]>Maxvoluume){Print("more than max");
else {Print("less than max");return;}

kiwiforce: so what do i need to change.

  1. Play video
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  2. How should we know - there are no mind readers here. Print your variable values and find out WHY.