Resizing chart by executing a script possible?


Hi Forum,

I use the MetaTrader on two Monitors with many small charts. When I maximize one chart, it is stretched over two monitors and I hate that. So my idea was to create a script (which could be executed with a hot key) to stretch the active chart only to one monitor. Unfortunately I didn't find anything like this in the Forum. I think it could work with the Window-dlls and WindowHandle() function. But maybe somebody already has a script like this?

I worked arround this issue by openning two instances of metatrader, so now I can execute two windows in both monitors.

Sure! Use the attached file that I made for this exactly, it also can minimize and maximize chart windows too!

//| INCLUDE                                                          |
#include <Windows.mqh>

//|                                                                  |
int OnInit()
    resizeChartWindow(50, 50, 1000, 1000);

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;
Windows.mqh  3 kb