How to get the commission fee in mq4 before sendorder?


double COMMISSION_PER_LOT = MarketInfo(Symbol(), ? );




Generally it its:

commission * MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) / ( MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) / AccountLeverage() )

where you get the commission number from your broker. Maybe it's $4 or $5 or $10 etc. Get the round-turn figure. Some brokers, tell you the half-turn figure which is half of what you pay. And check it with a demo account.

check on demo account before you use it (especially check spot metals or unusual lot sized symbols)


Generally it its:

where you get the commission number from your broker. Maybe it's $4 or $5 or $10 etc. Get the round-turn figure. Some brokers, tell you the half-turn figure which is half of what you pay. And check it with a demo account.

check on demo account before you use it (especially check spot metals or unusual lot sized symbols)

Thank you for your replied.

FinFX broker's commission is 0.70 for 0.10 lots (EURUSD) but the formula you gave me: the result is 1.0958.

MODE_MARGINREQUIRED = 675.45; LOTSIZE = 100,000; AccountLeverage() = 200;

double commission = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) / ( MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) / AccountLeverage() );

read my post again :/

Also, times the result by lots