Plese help, there's warning: 'piv' - expression on global scope not allowed D:\Program Files\KAB-MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal\experts\indicators\中轴线测试.mq4 (18, 18)

#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue

double piv[];
int d, tt;
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int i, dow, v=3600*25, count;//d指的是第几天。
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   double PreDayClose, PreDayHigh, PreDayLow, PreDayPov;
   count = iBars(NULL,tt) - iBars(NULL,tt+3600*24);
   if(counted_bars == 0)
         tt = Time[Bars-1] + d*3600*24;
         v = Time[0] - (tt+3600*24);
         dow = TimeDayOfWeek(tt);
         if(dow>1 && dow<6)
            PreDayClose = Close[iBars(NULL,tt)+1];
            PreDayHigh = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,count,iBars(NULL,tt-3600*24))];
            PreDayLow = Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,count,iBars(NULL,tt-3600*24))];
            PreDayPov = (PreDayClose + PreDayHigh + PreDayLow)/3;
               piv[i] = PreDayPov;
         else if(dow==1)
            PreDayClose = Close[iBars(NULL,tt-2*3600)+1];
            PreDayHigh = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,count,iBars(NULL,tt-3*3600*24))];
            PreDayLow = Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,count,iBars(NULL,tt-3*3600*24))];
            PreDayPov = (PreDayClose + PreDayHigh + PreDayLow)/3;
               piv[i] = PreDayPov;
         else continue;
      if(DayOfWeek()>1 && DayOfWeek()<6)
         PreDayClose = Close[iBars(NULL,tt+3600*24)+1];
         PreDayHigh = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,count,iBars(NULL,tt))];
         PreDayLow = Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,count,iBars(NULL,tt))];
         PreDayPov = (PreDayClose + PreDayHigh + PreDayLow)/3;
            piv[i] = PreDayPov;
      else if(DayOfWeek()==1)
          PreDayClose = Close[iBars(NULL,tt-3600*24)+1];
          PreDayHigh = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,count,iBars(NULL,tt-2*3600*24))];
          PreDayLow = Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,count,iBars(NULL,tt-2*3600*24))];
          PreDayPov = (PreDayClose + PreDayHigh + PreDayLow)/3;
             piv[i] = PreDayPov;
      else return(0);
'piv' - expression on global scope not allowed D:\Program Files\KAB-MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal\experts\indicators\中轴线测试.mq4 (18, 18)

I don't know why is that happen,

Could anybody help me, Thanks so much!


the purpose of this indicator, just to draw a povid line for every day, by the last day's data.

but when I operate it, there's no even a single line appear.

and the report is

2013.11.01 22:46:28 RF-GC,Daily: 2 parameter for SetIndexBuffer function must be array:

'piv' - expression on global scope not allowed D:\Program Files\KAB-MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal\experts\indicators\中轴线测试.mq4 (18, 18)

I don't know why is that happen,

Could anybody help me, Thanks so much!


the purpose of this indicator, just to draw a povid line for every day, by the last day's data.

but when I operate it, there's no even a single line appear.

and the report is

2013.11.01 22:46:28 RF-GC,Daily: 2 parameter for SetIndexBuffer function must be array:

Doesn't this . . .


. . . belong in init() ?


Doesn't this . . .

. . . belong in init() ?

if I define the buffer in fcunction init, is that still works in function start?

if I define the buffer in fcunction init, is that still works in function start?
I didn't say to move the buffer declaration to init() . . . did you try what I suggested ?
I didn't say to move the buffer declaration to init() . . . did you try what I suggested ?

Yes, it works, no more warning. But of the result, I cannot see any lines appear...

matthewpang: Yes, it works, no more warning. But of the result, I cannot see any lines appear...
Because everything else you wrote is babble. What is the second parameter to iBars