Fitting a parabola

If you want to fit a parabola (y=ax^2+bx+c) to e.g. the last 3 values of a buffer, you need to solve a system of 3 linear equations. In software like Matlab or R that is really easy to do, but how would you do it in mql4? I guess there is no function for this?
Here's my code for a general least squeares. You want Cog.bars=3
//| Center of Gravity                                                |
void OnInitCOG(){
                           #define Cog.Degree.MAX  10 // ComputeCOG
                           #define Cog.Degree.2MAX 20  // 2*MAX
    if (Cog.Degree < 1  || Cog.Degree > Cog.Degree.MAX) {
        Alert("Cog.Degree must be 1-", Cog.Degree.MAX);
        Log(  "Cog.Degree must be 1-", Cog.Degree.MAX);
        Cog.Degree  = MathMax(1, MathMin(Cog.Degree.MAX, Cog.Degree));      }
   if (Cog.Bars < Cog.Degree){
        Alert("Cog.Bars must be ",Cog.Degree," or greater");
        Log(  "Cog.Bars must be ",Cog.Degree," or greater");
      Cog.Bars = Cog.Degree;                                }
   if (Cog.NW0.LW1 < 0 || Cog.NW0.LW1 > 1){
      Alert("Cog.NW0.LW1 must be 0 or 1");
      Log(  "Cog.NW0.LW1 must be 0 or 1");   Cog.NW0.LW1 = 0;        }
#define COGCENTR    0
#define COGRMS       1
    #define COGVALUES    2
double   cog.values[][COGVALUES];   void ComputeCOG(int iBar) {
/* The no repainting variant of the COG indicator "JB Center of Gravity.mq4"
 * was created by " and Jürgen Bouché"
 * Original indicator code from
 * This creates a Nth degree least squares polynominal
 *     0       1     2     3     4      5     6     7     8
 * EXn E1=bars EX    E(X2) E(X3) E(X4)  E(X5) E(X6) E(X7) E(X8)
 * Aii 0       1     2     3     4          Bi
 * 0   E1=bars Ex    E(x2) E(x3) E(x4)      0   EY              (   )( ) (  )
 * 1   Ex      E(x2) E(x3) E(x4) E(x5)      1   E(YX)           (   )( ) (  )
 * 2   E(x2)   E(x3) E(x4) E(x5) E(x6)      2   E(YX2)          (Aii)(X)=(Bi)
 * 3   E(x3)   E(x4) E(x5) E(x6) E(x7)      3   E(YX3)          (   )( ) (  )
 * 4   E(x4)   E(x5) E(x6) E(x7) E(x8)      4   E(YX4)          (   )( ) (  )
   int   nBars = GetBars(),
      iLimit   = MathMin(nBars, iBar+Cog.Bars);
    if (iLimit-iBar < Cog.Degree)         return;  // Bad call or no bars.
   if (!ResizeBuffer(cog.values, nBars))  return;  // Out of memory?
    double   Bi[Cog.Degree.MAX];
    double  EXn[Cog.Degree.2MAX];       int Cog.Degree2 = Cog.Degree*2;
    double  Aii[Cog.Degree.MAX, Cog.Degree.MAX];
    for(int ii = 0; ii <= Cog.Degree;  ii++)             Bi[ii] = 0;
    for(    ii = 0; ii <= Cog.Degree2; ii++)            EXn[ii] = 0;
    for(int i = iBar; i < iLimit; i++){         // Count up for maximum accuracy
      if (Cog.NW0.LW1 == 0)   double Xn = 1; else Xn = iLimit-i;  // 1*weight
        for(ii = 0; ii <= Cog.Degree;  ii++, Xn *= i){ Bi[ii]  += Xn*GetOpen(i);
                                                       EXn[ii] += Xn;         }
        for(      ; ii <= Cog.Degree2; ii++, Xn *= i)  EXn[ii] += Xn;
    for(int jj = 0; jj <= Cog.Degree; jj++) {
        for(ii = 0; ii <= Cog.Degree; ii++) {   Aii[ii, jj] = EXn[ii + jj]; }

    for(int kk = 0; kk <= Cog.Degree; kk++) {           // Gaussian Elimination
        int ll = kk;    double mm = MathAbs(Aii[ll, kk]);
        for(ii = kk+1; ii <= Cog.Degree; ii++) {        // Largest magintude.
            double tt = MathAbs(Aii[ii, kk]);
            if (tt > mm) {  ll = ii;    mm = tt;    }

        if (ll != kk) {                                 // Pivot.
            for(jj = 0; jj <= Cog.Degree; jj++) {
                tt          = Aii[kk, jj];
                Aii[kk, jj] = Aii[ll, jj];
                Aii[ll, jj] = tt;
            tt = Bi[kk]; Bi[kk] = Bi[ll]; Bi[ll] = tt;
        for(ii = kk + 1; ii <= Cog.Degree; ii++) {      // Reduce.
            double qq; qq = Aii[ii, kk] / Aii[kk, kk];  // Aii[ii,kk]=0
            for(jj = kk+1; jj <= Cog.Degree; jj++) {
                Aii[ii, jj] -= qq * Aii[kk, jj];
            Bi[ii] -= qq * Bi[kk];
    }   }
    double  x[Cog.Degree.MAX];                          // Back substitution
    x[Cog.Degree] = Bi[Cog.Degree] / Aii[Cog.Degree, Cog.Degree];
    for (ii = Cog.Degree-1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
        tt = Bi[ii];
        for(jj = ii+1; jj <= Cog.Degree; jj++){
            tt -= Aii[ii, jj] * x[jj];
        x[ii] = tt/Aii[ii, ii];
    // Least squares completed.  Compute residual and final values.
    double  Ews = 0, Ew = 0,     w = 1.;
    for(i = iBar; i < iLimit; i++){
        double                                              Y  = x[0];
        for(kk = 1, Xn=i; kk <= Cog.Degree; kk++, Xn *= i)  Y += x[kk] * Xn;
        double residual = MathMax(GetHigh(i) - Y, Y - GetLow(i));
        if (Cog.NW0.LW1 == 1)   w = iLimit-i;
        Ews += w * residual*residual;   Ew += w;
    double ms = Ews / Ew,   rms = MathSqrt(ms);
    for(i = IfI(iLimit-1, iBar, Show.COG.Repaint); i >= iBar; i--){
                                                            Y  = x[0];
        for(kk = 1, Xn=i; kk <= Cog.Degree; kk++, Xn *= i)  Y += x[kk] * Xn;
        cog.values[i][COGCENTR] = Y;
        cog.values[i][COGRMS] = rms;
}   // ComputeCOG
thanks WHRoeder.

Hi WHRoeder. I incorporated your code but some doubts appeared. Could you give a light?

CogDegree is equal to CogBars but the line generated is not yet exact as the line graph. Why?

The image compares i-regr (that fits perfect) with my COG with reg[i] and reg[i+1].

The maximum CogDegree that I got was 80, is this a limit?

CogDegreeMAX more than 253 has the alert "the size of local variables is too large (more than 512kb)", and more than 355 the line disappears, is it another limit?

Thanks by the info 

My code:

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen
#property indicator_color2 Gold
#property indicator_color3 Gold

double reg[],reg1[],reg2[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
  SetIndexBuffer(0, reg);
  SetIndexBuffer(1, reg1);
  SetIndexBuffer(2, reg2);
  SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()

int CogDegree=80;
int CogBars=80;
int CogNW0LW1;

#define CogDegreeMAX  200 // ComputeCOG
#define CogDegree2MAX 400  // 2*MAX
#define COGCENTR     0
#define COGRMS       1
#define COGVALUES    2
double  cogvalues[][COGVALUES];

    if (CogDegree < 1  || CogDegree > CogDegreeMAX) {
        Alert("CogDegree must be 1-", CogDegreeMAX);
//        Log(  "CogDegree must be 1-", Cog.Degree.MAX);
        CogDegree  = MathMax(1, MathMin(CogDegreeMAX, CogDegree));      }
   if (CogBars < CogDegree){
        Alert("CogBars must be ",CogDegree," or greater");
//        Log(  "CogBars must be ",Cog.Degree," or greater");
      CogBars = CogDegree;                                }
   if (CogNW0LW1 < 0 || CogNW0LW1 > 1){
      Alert("CogNW0LW1 must be 0 or 1");
//      Log(  "CogNW0LW1 must be 0 or 1");
       CogNW0LW1 = 0;        }

   int iBar;
   int   nBars = iBars(NULL,0),
      iLimit   = MathMin(nBars, iBar+CogBars);
//    if (iLimit-iBar < CogDegree)         return;  // Bad call or no bars.
//   if (!ResizeBuffer(cogvalues, nBars))  return;  // Out of memory?
    double   Bi[CogDegreeMAX];
    double  EXn[CogDegree2MAX];       int CogDegree2 = CogDegree*2;
    double  Aii[CogDegreeMAX, CogDegreeMAX];
    for(int ii = 0; ii <= CogDegree;  ii++)             Bi[ii] = 0;
    for(    ii = 0; ii <= CogDegree2; ii++)            EXn[ii] = 0;
    for(int i = iBar; i < iLimit; i++){         // Count up for maximum accuracy
      if (CogNW0LW1 == 0)   double Xn = 1; else Xn = iLimit-i;  // 1*weight
        for(ii = 0; ii <= CogDegree;  ii++, Xn *= i){ Bi[ii]  += Xn*iOpen(NULL,0,i);
                                                       EXn[ii] += Xn;         }
        for(      ; ii <= CogDegree2; ii++, Xn *= i)  EXn[ii] += Xn;
    for(int jj = 0; jj <= CogDegree; jj++) {
        for(ii = 0; ii <= CogDegree; ii++) {   Aii[ii, jj] = EXn[ii + jj]; }

    for(int kk = 0; kk <= CogDegree; kk++) {           // Gaussian Elimination
        int ll = kk;    double mm = MathAbs(Aii[ll, kk]);
        for(ii = kk+1; ii <= CogDegree; ii++) {        // Largest magintude.
            double tt = MathAbs(Aii[ii, kk]);
            if (tt > mm) {  ll = ii;    mm = tt;    }

        if (ll != kk) {                                 // Pivot.
            for(jj = 0; jj <= CogDegree; jj++) {
                tt          = Aii[kk, jj];
                Aii[kk, jj] = Aii[ll, jj];
                Aii[ll, jj] = tt;
            tt = Bi[kk]; Bi[kk] = Bi[ll]; Bi[ll] = tt;
        for(ii = kk + 1; ii <= CogDegree; ii++) {      // Reduce.
            double qq; qq = Aii[ii, kk] / Aii[kk, kk];  // Aii[ii,kk]=0
            for(jj = kk+1; jj <= CogDegree; jj++) {
                Aii[ii, jj] -= qq * Aii[kk, jj];
            Bi[ii] -= qq * Bi[kk];
    }   }
    double  x[CogDegreeMAX];                          // Back substitution
    x[CogDegree] = Bi[CogDegree] / Aii[CogDegree, CogDegree];
    for (ii = CogDegree-1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
        tt = Bi[ii];
        for(jj = ii+1; jj <= CogDegree; jj++){
            tt -= Aii[ii, jj] * x[jj];
        x[ii] = tt/Aii[ii, ii];
    // Least squares completed.  Compute residual and final values.
    double  Ews = 0, Ew = 0,     w = 1.;
    for(i = iBar; i < iLimit; i++){
        double                                              Y  = x[0];
        for(kk = 1, Xn=i; kk <= CogDegree; kk++, Xn *= i)  Y += x[kk] * Xn;
        double residual = MathMax(iHigh(NULL,0,i) - Y, Y - iLow(NULL,0,i));
        if (CogNW0LW1 == 1)   w = iLimit-i;
        Ews += w * residual*residual;   Ew += w;
    double ms = Ews / Ew,   rms = MathSqrt(ms);
    for(i = iLimit-1; i >= iBar; i--){
                                                            Y  = x[0];
        for(kk = 1, Xn=i; kk <= CogDegree; kk++, Xn *= i)  Y += x[kk] * Xn;
        cogvalues[i][COGCENTR] = Y;
        cogvalues[i][COGRMS] = rms;
        reg[i+1] = Y;
        reg1[i+1] = Y + 2*rms;
        reg2[i+1] = Y - 2*rms;






The maximum CogDegree that I got was 80, is this a limit?

CogDegreeMAX more than 253 has the alert "the size of local variables is too large (more than 512kb)", and more than 355 the line disappears, is it another limit?

Anything more than ten (10) will not work. Gaussian elimination using doubles would be unstable.