How can I insert the price of the horizontal line?


I want to insert the price value on top right corner of this horizontal line.

How can I do this?

 // Plot horizontal lines..........
    if (StringFind(prop,"H",0) >= 0)  {
      if (!CandlesMustExist  ||  (exist1 >= 0 && exist3 >= 0))   {
        objname = UniqueID+"-"+i+"-hi";
        if (StringFind(prop,"X",0) >= 0)    ObjectSet(objname,OBJPROP_RAY,true); 
        objname = UniqueID+"-"+i+"-lo";
        ObjectCreate(objname,OBJ_TREND,0, dt1,lo,dt4,lo); 
        if (StringFind(prop,"X",0) >= 0)    ObjectSet(objname,OBJPROP_RAY,true);  
    } } 
Well this is a trend line not a horizontal line OBJ_HLINE.. but you may want to look into the OBJ_ARROWCODE.... SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE or 6 as a suggestion....PipPip..Jimdandy.
Well this is a trend line not a horizontal line OBJ_HLINE.. but you may want to look into the OBJ_ARROWCODE.... SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE or 6 as a suggestion....PipPip..Jimdandy.

Thanks - I wish there is a visual example(=image) for each object when it is implemented. Thanks for your answer.