MOST IMPORTANT HELP(reply who really wants to give code; others dont comment )



I am highly appreciated if someone writes the code.

dont reply saying that "study basics and get own coding for yourself "

I just need who really wants to help me instead commenting read something etc and go for job coding.. that i know..

because waiting for someone who will give/reply with solution. Because i did some stuff and i need real help.




I am highly appreciated if someone writes the code.

dont reply saying that "study basics and get own coding for yourself "

I just need who really wants to help me instead commenting read something etc

because i someone will give/reply with solution. Because i did some stuff and i need real help.


It's very simple, if you want code written for you go here: MetaQuotes official site - write code for me for MT4
naickmt4: I am highly appreciated if someone writes the code. dont reply saying that "study basics and get own coding for yourself "
Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.

Hello. Just i said dont reply again u have gave me reply without no use. just becasue of you someone will see the answer tab and it appears that someone has answered already. so u are really upsetting me. why cant u give the time to for others who really wants to reply with code instead of suggestion.

so kindly understand my problem dont think everyone are geniuss like u. may be someone who really have their heart and give it on free of cost.

please again dont reply unless u dont provide the code.



I am highly appreciated if someone writes the code.

dont reply saying that "study basics and get own coding for yourself "

I just need who really wants to help me instead commenting read something etc and go for job coding.. that i know..

because waiting for someone who will give/reply with solution. Because i did some stuff and i need real help.


Please do not double post again: take this as your one and only warning.

@ naickmt4 Describe your strategy in clear words

why do you have two times situation bar following with inside bars

is that a common situation ??

to check with code situation of inside bar is basic stuff

learn to code if you wanna get free help.

if i or others help with free coding then people expect we do it again, again, again, .........

forget it ........ i don't know you

i don't care for you

and refuse to help you if you are too lazy start learning how to code

only want to help giving a possible solution if i see someone trying to code but get stucked into a problem

so for you we help you learning to code by not coding your strategy for giving it on free of cost .....

if you like you can thank me learning you to code yourself before you ask


Hello. Just i said dont reply again u have gave me reply without no use. just becasue of you someone will see the answer tab and it appears that someone has answered already. so u are really upsetting me. why cant u give the time to for others who really wants to reply with code instead of suggestion.

so kindly understand my problem dont think everyone are geniuss like u. may be someone who really have their heart and give it on free of cost.

please again dont reply unless u dont provide the code.

If you would stop trying to be a user and start trying to help yourself you might get some help. Your last statement proves that, at the moment, you don't deserve any help. You're upset because no-one will bow down and be your personal servant? Well, BOOHOO! You've been given good advice - follow it. If you're too lazy to do your own work and too cheap to pay someone to implement what you want - tough - you get exactly what you deserve - NOTHING. I'm new to MQL programming and I'm likely to have some questions as I go but I'm DEFINITELY going to do my homework before I ask someone for help.

>>may be someone who really have their heart and give it on free of cost<< Right - the typical arm twisting maneuver designed to make someone feel guilty because they won't succumb to your "poor little me routine".

You're not dealing with a pack of idiots here. I can guarantee you that I'm not the only one that can clearly see through your "con man" attempt. You're pathetically transparent.

Sorry Raptor, WHR, et al. I don't mean to be stepping on your turf - I know I'm not a Mod but, as a professional educator, this kind of BS totally rubs me the wrong way.


naickmt4, why do you need this code? To sell it? Or to trade using it? I guess either way you are trying to make some money off of it. How about we just send you money? That will be easier I guess. That way you don't even have to apply the code written for you and given to you for free. BE LAZY FOREVER !!! :)))) Why do you think these guys have to leave the things they do and spend time (which is money) on your problem, which you by the way could not even state properly. At least make your idea interesting and worth the time to programm. Maybe than someone will program it for himself and share it with you. Otherwise I don't think anyone will be willing to spend his precious time just beacuse some lazy guy came with some strange idea.

P.S. I am not a programmer, I am a trader who taught himself MQL. My friendly advise is for you to do the same. Otherwise even a free code will not be of any use to you. What if later you will want to switch from analysis of daily chart to hourly! Oh my Lord, what will you do ???? Come here begging to help you again?

ProfessorMetal: this kind of BS totally rubs me the wrong way.
No turf here. You just say it much nicer than I do.

If you would stop trying to be a user and start trying to help yourself you might get some help. Your last statement proves that, at the moment, you don't deserve any help. You're upset because no-one will bow down and be your personal servant? Well, BOOHOO! You've been given good advice - follow it. If you're too lazy to do your own work and too cheap to pay someone to implement what you want - tough - you get exactly what you deserve - NOTHING. I'm new to MQL programming and I'm likely to have some questions as I go but I'm DEFINITELY going to do my homework before I ask someone for help.

>>may be someone who really have their heart and give it on free of cost<< Right - the typical arm twisting maneuver designed to make someone feel guilty because they won't succumb to your "poor little me routine".

You're not dealing with a pack of idiots here. I can guarantee you that I'm not the only one that can clearly see through your "con man" attempt. You're pathetically transparent.

Sorry Raptor, WHR, et al. I don't mean to be stepping on your turf - I know I'm not a Mod but, as a professional educator, this kind of BS totally rubs me the wrong way.

If u are a really professional educator just think of yourself. how much information that i have shared just asking the code. don't you think in that positive angle. i am not happy person here. just because of me and your coding lot of people will felt happy. do u know about my concept what i have asked? it is not for me but to help others also. dont teach me the lessons when u are not perfect how to behave with others is first thing. even know i am not angry or upset. so i feel always standard of our living is not important; living a life with correct standards is important. what u get is not yours and what u share is not your thoughts. just feel it everything is coming from god and provided a good platform to share the things. Then u dont feel any negative things on others. everyone have their own character and no one will play other's character. may i am the one who in this world. i too have my own character . thats why this is action. First get what is my important role that no one can do and submit to me i will do it for you without thinking any thing if i know it. just in that way u have to think to become happy in life.

No turf here. You just say it much nicer than I do.

LOL I suspect the message gets through either way. Whether it's taken to heart or not...