Could Someone Wins Every Trade? Lets Discuss - page 5

Why do you need to win "each  and every trade" ? Isn't your goal to win money ?
Yes my Goal is to Win money. thats y i don't want to lose a single trade :)
In my opinion yes you can win 100% but that wont in the end be the best system. Either you would make little compared to if you would have made some sacrifices by allowing some to close at a loss or you will get stuck along the way.
Hello Tonny, yes i know if a major trend changed and i couldn't close any position and hold it. so long so i could stuck in that position and won't trade any more. but i have started trading with keeping stoploss. 50% of my Sl got trigger. thats y asking about this strategy if someone got succeeded in the strategy i am talking about :) and i open only 5(MAX) trades a time. with smallest lot size(1 micro lot). and this strategy i have seen a guy is doing great on other forex copying website. he has done a good job and got thousands copiers. and got secondary income with trading on the strategy i am talking about :)
if there is a sure win way, there will not be anybody here. we are enjoying our lives right now.
Haha. Happy to hear that you are enjoying your life with Forex trading.
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Yes my Goal is to Win money. thats y i don't want to lose a single trade :)

Don't want to lose a single trade is the best to lose money.  It's not possible on the long run. If you want to win money you have to use stoploss, in one way or an other. And of course it's better to have a trading strategy. Not using a stoploss is not a strategy.


Don't want to lose a single trade is the best to lose money.  It's not possible on the long run. If you want to win money you have to use stoploss, in one way or an other. And of course it's better to have a trading strategy. Not using a stoploss is not a strategy.

it is my wish, but yes i need to close a trade if its not possible to touch my buy/sell price levels, like suppose i had have opened a trade of sell @ 84(USDJPY) so now i can't do anything in it. because its a long time since it is not touching that levels again . 


So my que. is to how to get a perfect stoploss level which can't be triggered? 


it is my wish, but yes i need to close a trade if its not possible to touch my buy/sell price levels, like suppose i had have opened a trade of sell @ 84(USDJPY) so now i can't do anything in it. because its a long time since it is not touching that levels again . 


So my que. is to how to get a perfect stoploss level which can't be triggered? 

10000 pips stop loss cant be triggered but is it worth it? How different is it from not setting sl? Will you make more than if you used reasonable sl and allowed some losses but maximize profit?

This is a great thread.  Glad you guys are discussing stops and 100% winners.  Both topics are so important and tie together well.

I have already written some things that may be helpful here: How To Set Stops    I share 7 different ways to set stops.    I especially recommend #1 (ATR) and #5 (Skewed Outliers) for new traders.  Remember that each trader has different objectives and time frames so the best stop loss is different for each person.

My "stops in general" comment in my other thread is appropriate for this thread too considering Tonny is asking about trading without stops and Abhishek wants 100% winners (neither of which I recommend): 

Thoughts on stops in general.   I just saw the results of one trading competition and they bragged about how the top 10 winners all had 100% winning trades.  How short sighted.  They showed the profit, but didn't show the draw down it took to keep those 100% winners.

Nobody likes to lose!  The emotion involved in a losing trade is extremely powerful.  I understand completely why someone would rather move a stop than be stopped out, especially when they "know" the market it about to reverse BIG TIME.

But we all have to remember that any particular trade and even the whole market COULD just keep on going up forever!  (Especially with the new US Fed Chair, Janet Yellin who appears to strongly favor QE and money printing.)  

So on investing, swing trading, day trading, or even scalping is it not better to get out with "a small cut" (small loss) than to lose a finger, an arm, or even your whole life?  OF COURSE IT IS.

So take your small stops and move on to the next trade.    Set them and never move them wider.  There will be other trades.  There will be other days.  You have to be in the game to play and win.  We are here not be "right", but to make money.

So to stick with the thread title--  As long as there are politicians with flapping lips, there is NO WAY to be right every time, and it is okay. 

And be NICE to yourself if you are wrong.  Don't get emotional.  Accept it an move on to the next trade. 

I think "100% winners" is a psychologically damaging goal.  Because if that is your goal, and you make one "mistake," THEN WHAT?  You have "ruined" everything, and you should take a sledge hammer to your monitors!!!   Well, of course that is just insane.  How can someone trade with that pressure!    Angevoyageur said it:  "Our goal is to make money" (... not to be "right" 100% of the time).

I vote that you stop trying to get 100% winning TRADES and focus on having 100% winning DAYS, where you have gotten at least 5 to 25 NET POSITIVE pips in a day (winners minus losers).  But even then, if you have a losing day, don't give up.  The best hedge fund managers in the world are happy with 10% growth for the whole year.  Be wise.

Taking that FIRST LOSS is the hardest move of all.  But if you do it without fail, then you will be liberated for the rest of the day.  You are showing the discipline that it takes to be in this game for the long term and not just flame out like 90% of FX traders.  Perhaps the best goal of all is not 100% winners, but 100% DISCIPLINE.  You are trying to program yourself for success.

The best baseball players in the world only bat .400.   This means that they only hit the ball 4 out of 10 times they are at bat.  Yet they get paid millions of dollars!  Are those baseball players winners or losers?  Of course they are winners! 

So it is important to decide now, what is your long-term strategy?  (Look at #4 on Expectancy on my How to Set Stops thread)  I propose that taking small losses is a real and satisfactory part of a winning strategy.  It is OKAY to have controlled losses.

And like good baseball coaches, I am looking for lots of small "base hits" that add up to a winning baseball game.  Yes, home runs are nice, and I get them sometimes, but I love base hits.  The day I realized this was the start of something exciting for my FX account balance. 

So decide on a strategy that includes stops and then stick to it no matter what for a couple weeks.  Then evaluate and adjust.  "Do I adjust my entries?  Do I adjust my profit targets? Do I adjust my stops?"

One of the most powerful messages to enter my brain from one of my mentors regarding losses was this.  "Losses are part of the game."  I am not sure why, but that phrase was like a bright light turning on.  So if I am going to play the game, then I need to take the (small) losses and move on to the next trade.


10000 pips stop loss cant be triggered but is it worth it? How different is it from not setting sl? Will you make more than if you used reasonable sl and allowed some losses but maximize profit?
Well said!

it is my wish, but yes i need to close a trade if its not possible to touch my buy/sell price levels, like suppose i had have opened a trade of sell @ 84(USDJPY) so now i can't do anything in it. because its a long time since it is not touching that levels again . 


So my que. is to how to get a perfect stoploss level which can't be triggered? 

Please see my ideas in this post called How to set stops