Max v.s Relative DrawDown - Which has more significance for you?



When testing EA's, are you more concerned about the max or relative drawdown, perhaps both?

I think max drawdown is more important as this determines the drop from the "balance" whereas relative determines the drop from the "equity".

This way I know what I could expect from the worst possible scenario during testing times regardelss of when the EA was started.

I usually look for max drawdown < 30%, how about you? Where do you set the limit?

  1. IMO Relative Drawdown is more Important.
  2. My old limit was 33.33% now I look for 9.99%
  3. Maximum Drawdown is in Money. [Account Currency].
  4. MaxDD=Decent Starting Capital @ Broker Minimum Lot.
  5. MaxDD does-not = worse case. Can always be worse.