My first attempt at an EA - Can I get some help with the logic



 New to coding but not new to FX or EAs !!

 I am wanting to try an ea that works like discribed - I feel my logic is right, but its not taking the right trades - basically it ignores the SMA indicator, and every bar is printing in the journal that their is a buy and a sell signal

 Which should be impossible

 Can someone suggest a better way to code this for a newbie like me??




void CheckSignal()


   double SMA = iMA( NULL, 0, SMA_Period, SMA_Shift, SMA_Method, SMA_Price, 1);


   string MAFIB="false";string MAFIS="false";


   int type = -1; 

// ver 2.2

   // Need momentum into the SMA - have a look at getting candles to match roll of ball - that is two candles back starts signal, next candle needs to cross sma 
      in our direction and last candle to confirm

   // A cross from below (Long signal) can be defined as - a candle opening below the SMA, and closing above it.  

   // For a valid BUY signal to be triggered, the Bot need to look back the candle before the cross and the candle after the cross, If these three candles are 
      bullish - Take BUY on open of next candle.


  if ((Open[2] < SMA  && Close[2] > SMA))MAFIB="true";


  Print ("SMA says BUY");



   if ((Open[3] < Close[3] ) && (Open[2] < Close[2] ) && (Open[1] < Close[1]) && (Close[1] < Bid) && MAFIB=="true")


      Print("BUY signal: SMA=", SMA, "; Signal Bar Bid=", Bid);

      type = OP_BUY;


Appreciate the help



I would suggest you to use the MACD Sample EA as a starting point. simply replace the MACD trading conditions with yours.


 New to coding but not new to FX or EAs !!

 I am wanting to try an ea that works like discribed - I feel my logic is right, but its not taking the right trades - basically it ignores the SMA indicator, and every bar is printing in the journal that their is a buy and a sell signal

This is your problem,  it's a question of  {}  braces

  if ((Open[2] < SMA  && Close[2] > SMA))   MAFIB="true";   //  if the test is true just set MAFIB = "true"

    {                                                       //   the code in braces will always happen

  Print ("SMA says BUY");



Also,  don't use strings here,  use bool . . .

string MAFIB="false";string MAFIS="false";

// instead do this

bool MAFIB = false, MAFIS = false;

 then this code changes  . . .

if ((Open[3] < Close[3] ) && (Open[2] < Close[2] ) && (Open[1] < Close[1]) && (Close[1] < Bid) && MAFIB )   // && MAFIB  is the same as && MAFIB == true 

Thanks RaptorUK


I will add this and see how it runs



