Terminal does not load!


Hi all,


I am puzzled; all of a sudden, my terminal does not load - when I double-click the icon leading to the c:\Program Files\MeaTrader\terminal.exe, it just does not load, however in Task Manager the terminal.exe process can be seen. Likewise, if I start MetaEditor adn click the Terminal button in the toolbar, the same scenario applies. What could be wrong, what should I check?



Navigate to the terminals installation directory located in your program files and try opening your terminal from a shortcut their. If the shortcut works, simply copy and paste the shortcut to wherever you'd like to launch the terminal.

Thank you.

This makes no difference .. It looks like some data (profile, settings, ..) has been broken. Does MT use any logs?
Ok, I got it; so for others who might get stuck as I did - I had messed up the code of a loop in my indicator (more specifically - I put in bad index so the code runs out of bounds and effectively hangs the terminal); now, upon startup, the terminal loads all there was on the last run ..including the bad code .. Transposing this thread into a new, rephrased one.

Please continue with this one instead creating a new one :

Martinigue 2012.10.28 08:22 
Hi MQLers, I had messed up the code of a loop in my indicator (more specifically - I put in bad index so the code runs out of bounds and effectively hangs the terminal); now, upon startup, the terminal loads all there was on the last run ..including the bad code .. Now, I wonder where is it defined what the terminal ha sto load upon startup? The terminal.ini was my first but the messed up indicator is not even mentioned there .. Any clues, anyone?


It load your MT4 profile (see it in the middle of status bar in bottom of MT4 - or click file > profile and also please find profile folder in your MT4 installation).

Do this to avoid same problem again in the future. Create a blank profile, an MT that show no charts and no other windows, and save it as - for example - "whatever" profile. Next time you have this problem again in the future, launch the MT with predefined config. For more details, see MT4 help file under Tools > configuration at start up.

Or if you hate doing that, just open your profile folder, and open profile.ini with a notepad and change its 2 values to your blank profile, that is whatever and whatever - then launch MT4 as usual.

Or if you can guess the cause of your problem, like in your case - an faulty CI , just open MetaEditor and add un-declared variable to it's source code and compile. The CI won't compile, and you can open MT4 safely enough because it won't load your CI (or EA or Script)I prefer this one :) 

Or just delete your profile sub folder and launch MT4, if you desperate enough :(

A brilliant idea - recompiling my CI with the problematic code commented out and starting the terminal from ME!:-) Thanks a lot for the hint! Have you erased that spawned thread 9 the other one I had mentioned here)?